Idaho Man Indicted for Murder in 2019 Disappearance Case
Five years after a woman vanÂished in North IdaÂho, a man has been indictÂed for her murÂder. JorÂdan JarÂrad Law, 46, was arrestÂed in Spokane on WednesÂday, SepÂtemÂber 18, 2024, in conÂnecÂtion with the disÂapÂpearÂance of Rae AlliÂson Berwanger.
Man Indicted for Murder in 2019 Disappearance Case
The indictÂment comes after a joint invesÂtiÂgaÂtion by mulÂtiÂple law enforceÂment agenÂcies, includÂing the BonÂner CounÂty SherÂifÂfâs Office, Bend Police DepartÂment, Spokane CounÂty SherÂifÂfâs Office, and U.S. MarÂshals SerÂvice. Law was origÂiÂnalÂly idenÂtiÂfied as a perÂson of interÂest in the case.
Idaho Woman Missing Since 2019
Berwanger, who was 54 at the time of her disÂapÂpearÂance, was last seen in March 2019 in BonÂner CounÂty. Her brothÂer told MissÂing PeoÂple in AmerÂiÂca that her disÂapÂpearÂance was eeriÂly simÂiÂlar to their fatherâs murÂder durÂing a home invasion.
In addiÂtion to the murÂder charge, Law also faces two counts of rape relatÂed to anothÂer vicÂtim disÂcovÂered durÂing the invesÂtiÂgaÂtion. The IdaÂho State Policeâs SexÂuÂal Assault Kit IniÂtiaÂtive supÂportÂed the investigation.
The arrest of JorÂdan Law brings hope for cloÂsure to the famÂiÂly of Rae AlliÂson Berwanger, who has been missÂing for five years.
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