Jogger Assaulted by Otter Gang
A woman was left bloodÂied and in tears after being attacked by a group of eight otters while jogÂging in TanÂjung Aru RecreÂation Park in Sabah, Malaysia. The unidenÂtiÂfied vicÂtim was reportÂedÂly beset by the furÂry creaÂtures while runÂning through the park.
Aftermath of the Attack
Footage shows the woman sitÂting on the curb, cryÂing and covÂered in blood, with visÂiÂble gouges and injuries on her arms, head, and legs. She was transÂportÂed to a hosÂpiÂtal for treatÂment folÂlowÂing the vicious otter assault.
Otter Population and Behavior Change
AccordÂing to offiÂcials, the otters that attacked the jogÂger are part of a nearÂby wild popÂuÂlaÂtion that has been visÂitÂing the recreÂation park to forÂage for food. They say the aniÂmalsâ behavÂior has changed, likeÂly due to visÂiÂtors feedÂing them in the past.
Prevention Efforts and Public Warnings
To preÂvent future attacks, the Sabah Wildlife DepartÂment plans to reinÂforce the fencÂing around the park and monÂiÂtor the area for any otter sightÂings. The pubÂlic has been advised to avoid approachÂing or interÂactÂing with the otters, as their behavÂior has become increasÂingÂly aggressive.
Prior Otter Attacks in Southeast Asia
This is not the first time otters have attacked humans in SouthÂeast Asia. In 2021, a SinÂgaÂpore resÂiÂdent was hosÂpiÂtalÂized after being bitÂten 26 times by a gang of otters in just 10 secÂonds, with the vicÂtim sayÂing he thought he was going to die.
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