What startÂed as a norÂmal day on the job turned into a nightÂmare for a Long Island police offiÂcer who had to deal with a crazed gunÂman terÂrorÂizÂing driÂvers at a busy intersection.
The offiÂcer, whose name has not been released, was patrolling the area when they spotÂted Kiber Calderon, also known as HanÂna CarÂilÂlo, wavÂing a deadÂly handÂgun and firÂing shots in the air. Calderon, who has a hisÂtoÂry of burÂglary arrests, also pointÂed the weapon at frightÂened peoÂple trapped in their cars, creÂatÂing a danÂgerÂous and chaotÂic scene.
But the offiÂcer did not hesÂiÂtate to act, using their cruisÂer as a weapon to slam into the 31-year-old susÂpect and knock them off their feet. The colÂliÂsion sent Calderon and the gun flyÂing to the ground, where they were quickÂly subÂdued by othÂer officers.
Both Calderon and the offiÂcer sufÂfered minor injuries, but no one else was hurt in the inciÂdent. The offiÂcer was takÂen to a hosÂpiÂtal for treatÂment and evalÂuÂaÂtion, while Calderon was arrestÂed and charged with mulÂtiÂple offenses.
The heroÂic act of the offiÂcer was hailed by NasÂsau Police ComÂmisÂsionÂer Patrick Ryder, who said they saved lives by stopÂping the threat with their vehiÂcle. Ryder said the offiÂcer had the option to use lethal force, but chose to use a less deadÂly tacÂtic instead.
Ryder also thanked the othÂer offiÂcers and first responÂders who assistÂed in the sitÂuÂaÂtion, as well as the witÂnessÂes who proÂvidÂed valuÂable inforÂmaÂtion. He said the invesÂtiÂgaÂtion is ongoÂing and more charges may be filed against Calderon.
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