Long Island Cop Saves the Day by Crashing into Gun-Wielding Maniac

What started as a normal day on the job turned into a nightmare for a Long Island police officer who had to deal with a crazed gunman terrorizing drivers at a busy intersection_Nassau County Police cruiser clipped Calderon, who was sent to the ground
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What start­ed as a nor­mal day on the job turned into a night­mare for a Long Island police offi­cer who had to deal with a crazed gun­man ter­ror­iz­ing dri­vers at a busy intersection. 

The offi­cer, whose name has not been released, was patrolling the area when they spot­ted Kiber Calderon, also known as Han­na Car­il­lo, wav­ing a dead­ly hand­gun and fir­ing shots in the air. Calderon, who has a his­to­ry of bur­glary arrests, also point­ed the weapon at fright­ened peo­ple trapped in their cars, cre­at­ing a dan­ger­ous and chaot­ic scene.

But the offi­cer did not hes­i­tate to act, using their cruis­er as a weapon to slam into the 31-year-old sus­pect and knock them off their feet. The col­li­sion sent Calderon and the gun fly­ing to the ground, where they were quick­ly sub­dued by oth­er officers.

Both Calderon and the offi­cer suf­fered minor injuries, but no one else was hurt in the inci­dent. The offi­cer was tak­en to a hos­pi­tal for treat­ment and eval­u­a­tion, while Calderon was arrest­ed and charged with mul­ti­ple offenses.

The hero­ic act of the offi­cer was hailed by Nas­sau Police Com­mis­sion­er Patrick Ryder, who said they saved lives by stop­ping the threat with their vehi­cle. Ryder said the offi­cer had the option to use lethal force, but chose to use a less dead­ly tac­tic instead. 

Ryder also thanked the oth­er offi­cers and first respon­ders who assist­ed in the sit­u­a­tion, as well as the wit­ness­es who pro­vid­ed valu­able infor­ma­tion. He said the inves­ti­ga­tion is ongo­ing and more charges may be filed against Calderon.

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