Lottie Moss Reveals Harrowing Ozempic Overdose Experience, Issues Warning

Lottie Moss Reveals Harrowing Ozempic Overdose Experience, Issues Warning
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Lottie Moss Hospitalized After Ozempic Overdose, Suffers Seizure

Lot­tie Moss has issued a stark warn­ing about the dan­gers of the weight loss drug Ozem­pic after a ter­ri­fy­ing ordeal that land­ed her in the emer­gency room. 

The 26-year-old mod­el revealed she suf­fered a seizure and severe side effects after over­dos­ing on the med­ica­tion, despite only weigh­ing around 126 lbs.

Lottie’s Shocking Ozempic Side Effects

Lot­tie explained that she began tak­ing Ozem­pic, a dia­betes med­ica­tion that has gained pop­u­lar­i­ty for its weight loss effects, after a friend was able to obtain it for her “under the table.” How­ev­er, the dosage she was inject­ing was meant for some­one weigh­ing at least 220 lbs, while Lot­tie was in the 110 lb range.

As a result, Lot­tie expe­ri­enced intense nau­sea, vom­it­ing, and dra­mat­ic weight loss, drop­ping from around 132 lbs down to just 117 lbs in a mat­ter of weeks. At one point, she had to be rushed to the hos­pi­tal due to severe dehy­dra­tion, where she suf­fered a seizure.

Lottie’s Warning About Ozempic Dangers

“It’s these small things I wish I’d known before tak­ing it. But I took it, you inject it into your leg, and it was the worst deci­sion I ever made,” Lot­tie said. “This is a warn­ing to every­one. Please, if you’re think­ing of tak­ing it, do not take it, it’s so not worth it.”

The mod­el, who is the younger sis­ter of super­mod­el Kate Moss, said she would “rather die any day than take it again” after her har­row­ing expe­ri­ence. She hopes that by shar­ing her sto­ry, oth­ers will be dis­suad­ed from using Ozem­pic with­out prop­er med­ical super­vi­sion and guidance.

Lottie’s Struggle with “Heroin Chic” Beauty Standards

Lot­tie’s Ozem­pic ordeal reflects the ongo­ing pres­sure in the fash­ion indus­try to main­tain an extreme­ly thin physique, a trend she says is unfor­tu­nate­ly mak­ing a “alarm­ing come­back.” She recounts being ridiculed for eat­ing on set and being told she would­n’t get run­way jobs unless she had a 23-inch waist.

As the Ozem­pic trend con­tin­ues to rise among celebri­ties, Lot­tie fears the return of the “hero­in chic” aes­thet­ic that was preva­lent in the 90s, call­ing for a return to more body positivity.

“Where did the body pos­i­tiv­i­ty go? I don’t under­stand because we were doing so well, the curvy girls were eat­ing and it was becom­ing more of a trend to be curvi­er and sexy and now it’s gone back in time to this hero­in chic, not eat­ing, being super, super thin,” she said.

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