Lucky Charm: “Knockoff” Silver Chain Saves Colorado Man in Shooting

Lucky Charm: "Knockoff" Silver Chain Saves Colorado Man in Shooting
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A Col­orado man’s life was saved thanks to an unex­pect­ed hero: his “knock­off” sil­ver chain. Dur­ing an alter­ca­tion in Com­merce City that esca­lat­ed to gun­fire, the chain mirac­u­lous­ly stopped a bul­let head­ed for his neck.

Bul­let­proof Bargain:

Police believe the 10-mil­lime­ter wide chain, though like­ly not pure sil­ver, absorbed the impact of the .22 cal­iber bul­let. While the man’s iden­ti­ty remains undis­closed, pho­tos released by the Com­merce City Police Depart­ment show the blood­stained chain with the lodged bul­let, high­light­ing its life­sav­ing role.

“We’d say he dodged a bul­let, but real­ly, he lodged one!” remarked the depart­ment in a social media post. This inci­dent under­scores the poten­tial for even inex­pen­sive jew­el­ry to act as a shield in crit­i­cal situations.

Not-So-Shal­low Value:

The Col­orado man’s sto­ry echoes a sim­i­lar case from Long Island last month, where a man’s wal­let deflect­ed a bul­let. These occur­rences high­light the unfore­seen val­ue every­day items can hold. In this case, a “knock­off” chain trans­formed from a fash­ion acces­so­ry into a life-sav­ing charm.

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