MAGA Supporter Kicked Off Delta Flight for Wearing Vulgar Trump T‑Shirt

MAGA Supporter Kicked Off Delta Flight for Wearing Vulgar Trump T-Shirt
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Passenger Removed for Wearing Crude Trump T‑Shirt

A seething MAGA sup­port­er was escort­ed off a Delta Air­lines flight for wear­ing a shirt that showed Don­ald Trump giv­ing the mid­dle fin­ger along with a raunchy ref­er­ence to the ‘hawk tuah’ girl video. 

The inci­dent occurred at Flori­da’s Sara­so­ta Braden­ton Inter­na­tion­al Air­port on Sat­ur­day morning.

Offensive Shirt Design

The irate trav­el­er was sport­ing a black t‑shirt that dis­played an image of Trump wear­ing Amer­i­can-flag sun­glass­es and flip­ping the bird with both hands.

Above the pic­ture of the for­mer pres­i­dent, the words ‘HAWK TUAH,’ were bla­zoned in giant white let­ters. At the bot­tom of the shirt, ‘Spit on that thang,’ was writ­ten — a lewd ref­er­ence to the viral video in which Hai­ley Welch sim­u­lat­ed the sound of spit­ting dur­ing oral sex.

Airline Enforces Dress Code

As the man was being led off the plane, he declared to the oth­er pas­sen­gers: “I’m get­ting kicked off because of my shirt. And this is her report­ing,” ges­tur­ing towards the Delta employ­ee ush­er­ing him off.

Accord­ing to Delta’s con­tract of car­riage, the air­line reserves the right to refuse trans­porta­tion to an indi­vid­ual when their attire “cre­ates an unrea­son­able risk of offense or annoy­ance to oth­er passengers.”

Reaction from Other Passengers

In the com­ments sec­tion, many peo­ple defend­ed the air­line’s actions, with one user writ­ing: “Pri­vate com­pa­ny enforces a dress code. Seems pret­ty easy.” Anoth­er opined: “Prob­a­bly got kicked off because of the mid­dle fin­gers being dis­played on the t‑shirt. I see lots of MAGA shirts when I fly.”

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