Man bitten on the testicles by a massive python while sitting on toilet

Man bitten on the testicles by a massive python while sitting on the toilet
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Thai Man Sur­vives Shock­ing Python Attack in Bathroom

Horrifying Encounter with a Python

A man in Thai­land endured a ter­ri­fy­ing ordeal when a 12-foot python attacked him in the most unex­pect­ed of places — his own bathroom. 

Thanat Thangte­wanon, from Bangkok, was sit­ting on the toi­let when he sud­den­ly felt a sharp pain tear through his testicles.

Desperate Struggle to Survive

Thanat recount­ed the har­row­ing expe­ri­ence, say­ing, “I felt some­thing bit­ing my balls. It was very painful, so I put my hands in the toi­let to see what was wrong. 

I was shocked that I grabbed a snake.” In a fran­tic attempt to free him­self, Thanat grabbed the near­est weapon — a toi­let brush — and start­ed whack­ing the snake’s head until it loos­ened its grip and died.

Aftermath and Aftermath

The after­math of the attack was grue­some, with Thanat’s bath­room cov­ered in blood. He imme­di­ate­ly sought med­ical atten­tion, receiv­ing a tetanus vaccine. 

Doc­tors told him the wound was not deep enough to require stitch­es and would heal in a cou­ple of weeks.

Preventing Future Attacks

Thanat learned a valu­able les­son from this ordeal, say­ing, “Every time I go, I check what’s inside and put a brush in there to make sure.”

Pythons attack­ing peo­ple in toi­lets have hap­pened before in Thai­land, and Thanat is deter­mined to be more vig­i­lant in the future.

Bathroom Hazards

While this inci­dent may seem extra­or­di­nary, it serves as a stark reminder of the unex­pect­ed dan­gers that can lurk in the most ordi­nary of places. Thanat’s har­row­ing expe­ri­ence high­lights the impor­tance of being cau­tious and aware of one’s sur­round­ings, even in the com­fort of one’s own home.

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