A 41-year-old man has been senÂtenced to 16 years in prison for critÂiÂcalÂly injurÂing a HonÂoluÂlu police offiÂcer. The inciÂdent occurred in the earÂly mornÂing hours of FebÂruÂary 16, 2023, in Laie.
Defendant Found Guilty of First-Degree Assault
The man, Hokuokalani Patoc, was iniÂtialÂly charged with first-degree attemptÂed murÂder. HowÂevÂer, a jury found him guilty of the lessÂer charge of first-degree assault. Had he been conÂvictÂed of the origÂiÂnal charge, he would have faced life imprisÂonÂment withÂout the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of parole.
Judge Imposes Maximum Sentence
CirÂcuit Judge Paul Wong senÂtenced Patoc to the maxÂiÂmum term allowÂable for first-degree assault: 16 years in prison. The judge also imposed addiÂtionÂal senÂtences for resistÂing an order to stop and unauÂthoÂrized conÂtrol of a proÂpelled vehicle.
Violent Attack Left Officer with Serious Injuries
The attack on the police offiÂcer involved the use of a foot-long metÂal car jack extenÂsion. The offiÂcer susÂtained severe injuries, includÂing bleedÂing to the brain, skull fracÂtures, and a scalp lacÂerÂaÂtion. He conÂtinÂues to expeÂriÂence the effects of the attack, which include headaches, loss of smell, and shoulÂder injury.
Defendantâs History of Violent Behavior
The senÂtencÂing judge notÂed Patocâs hisÂtoÂry of vioÂlent behavÂior, includÂing a priÂor inciÂdent of crimÂiÂnal tresÂpassÂing at an eleÂmenÂtary school. The judge also citÂed conÂcerns about the defenÂdanÂtâs menÂtal health and potenÂtial for future violence.
Victimâs Family Seeks Protection
FolÂlowÂing the attack, the vicÂtimâs famÂiÂly obtained a proÂtecÂtive order against Patoc. The order was grantÂed after the defenÂdant was incarÂcerÂatÂed, as the famÂiÂly felt unsafe before that time.
Defense Argument Fails to Persuade Judge
Patocâs defense attorÂney argued that a longer senÂtence was not necÂesÂsary for the proÂtecÂtion of the pubÂlic. HowÂevÂer, the judge rejectÂed this arguÂment, statÂing that the court, not the jury, makes the final deciÂsion on sentencing.
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