Manhunt for Alleged Wife Killer: Dad of 4 Still on the Run

Manhunt for Alleged Wife Killer Dad of 4 Still on the Run
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The mass­a­chu­setts state police and gard­ner police depart­ment are fran­ti­cal­ly search­ing for 33-year-old aaron pen­ning­ton, the prime sus­pect in the dead­ly shoot­ing of his wife bre­anne pennington.

pen­ning­ton is believed to be armed and dan­ger­ous after alleged­ly shoot­ing 30-year-old bre­anne in the face at their gard­ner home, in front of their four young chil­dren. police have issued a shel­ter-in-place order for the neigh­bor­hood as the inten­sive man­hunt continues.

The chil­dren, now in pro­tec­tive cus­tody, arrived at a neigh­bor’s home Sun­day morn­ing in dis­tress, say­ing they could not find their father and that their moth­er was cry­ing and injured in an upstairs bed­room. Offi­cers sub­se­quent­ly made the grim dis­cov­ery of bre­anne pen­ning­ton deceased from an appar­ent gun­shot wound. 

her hus­band’s vehi­cle was locat­ed aban­doned at a near­by boy scout camp on mon­day, but pen­ning­ton him­self was not present, deep­en­ing the mys­tery of his whereabouts.

With an armed and poten­tial­ly vio­lent sus­pect on the loose, local author­i­ties have no choice but to keep the pub­lic safe until pen­ning­ton is appre­hend­ed. res­i­dents of kel­ton street have been instruct­ed to remain vig­i­lant­ly shel­tered inside their homes. 

The tight-knit com­mu­ni­ty is under­stand­ably on edge, des­per­ate for clo­sure and jus­tice in this har­row­ing crime alleged­ly com­mit­ted against a young moth­er in front of her chil­dren. any­one spot­ting the 6’2, 175 lb sus­pect with blonde hair and blue eyes is strong­ly urged not to approach and to con­tact 911 imme­di­ate­ly. the ded­i­cat­ed police teams now have a dif­fi­cult and dan­ger­ous man­hunt ahead of them to get this alleged killer off the streets.

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