Married Lunch Lady Pleads Guilty to Sexually Abusing Teen Student

Married Lunch Lady Pleads Guilty to Sexually Abusing Teen Student
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Disturbing Update

Married Lunch Lady Pleads Guilty to Sexually Abusing Teen Student

Andie Rosafort, a 33-year-old mar­ried lunch lady, has plead­ed guilty to sex­u­al­ly abus­ing a 14-year-old stu­dent from her for­mer school in Connecticut. 

Accord­ing to the reports, Rosafort had been groom­ing the vic­tim for months, com­mu­ni­cat­ing with him through var­i­ous social media plat­forms and send­ing him nude pho­tos and explic­it videos.

Grooming and Exploitation

The New Fair­field Police Depart­ment began inves­ti­gat­ing the case after receiv­ing infor­ma­tion in Jan­u­ary 2024 that inap­pro­pri­ate behav­ior had occurred between Rosafort and the teenager. 

The affi­davit revealed that Rosafort had been com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the vic­tim for six months, send­ing him unso­licit­ed nude pho­tos and videos of her­self mas­tur­bat­ing. She had also report­ed­ly asked the 14-year-old to send her nude pho­tographs of him­self in return.

Abusing Position of Trust

On the day of the inci­dent, the vic­tim had left a par­ty to meet up with Rosafort, and they alleged­ly had sex­u­al inter­course in a vehi­cle. The teenag­er lat­er told his par­ents that he “felt very weird and guilty” about what had happened. 

Offi­cials were able to find evi­dence that showed the vic­tim and Rosafort in the same loca­tion when the alleged sex­u­al assault occurred.

Consequences and Sentencing

When the alle­ga­tions came to light, Rosafort resigned from her part-time posi­tion at the school, hav­ing pre­vi­ous­ly been warned to watch her inter­ac­tions with minors.

After an arrest war­rant was issued, she turned her­self in and post­ed a $100,000 bond. Rosafort has now plead­ed guilty to sec­ond-degree sex­u­al assault and impair­ing the moral of chil­dren, and the Con­necti­cut Supe­ri­or Court is yet to clar­i­fy the terms of her plea deal.

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