Disturbing Update
Married Lunch Lady Pleads Guilty to Sexually Abusing Teen Student
Andie Rosafort, a 33-year-old marÂried lunch lady, has pleadÂed guilty to sexÂuÂalÂly abusÂing a 14-year-old stuÂdent from her forÂmer school in Connecticut.
AccordÂing to the reports, Rosafort had been groomÂing the vicÂtim for months, comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing with him through varÂiÂous social media platÂforms and sendÂing him nude phoÂtos and explicÂit videos.
Grooming and Exploitation
The New FairÂfield Police DepartÂment began invesÂtiÂgatÂing the case after receivÂing inforÂmaÂtion in JanÂuÂary 2024 that inapÂproÂpriÂate behavÂior had occurred between Rosafort and the teenager.
The affiÂdavit revealed that Rosafort had been comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing with the vicÂtim for six months, sendÂing him unsoÂlicitÂed nude phoÂtos and videos of herÂself masÂturÂbatÂing. She had also reportÂedÂly asked the 14-year-old to send her nude phoÂtographs of himÂself in return.
Abusing Position of Trust
On the day of the inciÂdent, the vicÂtim had left a parÂty to meet up with Rosafort, and they allegedÂly had sexÂuÂal interÂcourse in a vehiÂcle. The teenagÂer latÂer told his parÂents that he âfelt very weird and guiltyâ about what had happened.
OffiÂcials were able to find eviÂdence that showed the vicÂtim and Rosafort in the same locaÂtion when the alleged sexÂuÂal assault occurred.
Consequences and Sentencing
When the alleÂgaÂtions came to light, Rosafort resigned from her part-time posiÂtion at the school, havÂing preÂviÂousÂly been warned to watch her interÂacÂtions with minors.
After an arrest warÂrant was issued, she turned herÂself in and postÂed a $100,000 bond. Rosafort has now pleadÂed guilty to secÂond-degree sexÂuÂal assault and impairÂing the moral of chilÂdren, and the ConÂnectiÂcut SupeÂriÂor Court is yet to clarÂiÂfy the terms of her plea deal.
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