Masked Gang Kills One, Wounds Five in Deadly Wedding Shooting in France

Masked Gang Kills One, Wounds Five in Deadly Wedding Shooting in France
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A masked gang has car­ried out a ter­ri­fy­ing attack on a wed­ding cer­e­mo­ny in Thionville, France, killing one per­son and wound­ing five others. 

The inci­dent occurred around 1 am on Sun­day morn­ing at the Eden Palace recep­tion hall, where approx­i­mate­ly 100 peo­ple, report­ed­ly from the local Turk­ish com­mu­ni­ty, were in attendance.

Accord­ing to sources, the attack is believed to be linked to a set­tling of scores between drug traf­fick­ers. Three men, report­ed­ly wear­ing face cov­er­ings and black hood­ies, arrived at the scene and opened fire with two Kalash­nikovs and a shotgun. 

A man in his 30s was killed, and three oth­er peo­ple were seri­ous­ly injured, with two of them in life-threat­en­ing con­di­tion. A preg­nant woman also suf­fered minor injuries, and a man was hurt by shards of glass.

The per­pe­tra­tors fled the scene before police arrived and are still at large. Inves­ti­ga­tors are work­ing to deter­mine how the crim­i­nals knew that their tar­gets would be out­side the venue when they launched the attack, as it appears the wed­ding itself was not the intend­ed target.

“It was dur­ing a wed­ding,” a police source said. “At a quar­ter past one in the morn­ing, a group of peo­ple went out­side to smoke in front of the hall, and then three heav­i­ly armed men arrived and opened fire in their direction.”

The deceased and the three seri­ous­ly injured men are known to author­i­ties for drug-relat­ed cas­es, accord­ing to local media reports. Police believe the shoot­ing was a set­tling of scores linked to drug traf­fick­ing, rather than a tar­get­ed attack on the wed­ding party.

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