Massachusetts Fugitive Known as ‘Bad Breath Rapist’ Caught After 17 Years of Hiding in Luxury California Home

Massachusetts Fugitive Known as 'Bad Breath Rapist' Caught After 17 Years of Hiding in Luxury California Home
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A Mass­a­chu­setts fugi­tive dubbed the ‘Bad Breath Rapist’ has final­ly been caught at a mul­ti-mil­lion dol­lar home in Cal­i­for­nia — with a new girl­friend who was com­plete­ly obliv­i­ous to his alleged hor­rif­ic past.

Tuen Kit Lee, 55, broke into a co-work­er’s home and raped her at knife­point on Feb­ru­ary 2, 2005. He alleged­ly fled his tri­al in Sep­tem­ber 2007 before jurors returned the con­vic­tion, and he has been liv­ing a life of lux­u­ry in the Gold­en State ever since.

But cops snared the long­time fugi­tive on Tues­day after images of him sur­faced on social media and detec­tives traced him to a lav­ish home in Dia­blo, a tiny town 20 miles east of the Bay Area. He was spot­ted leav­ing the res­i­dence with a girl­friend he has been liv­ing with for the last 15 years, accord­ing to Mass­a­chu­setts State Police.

“His female com­pan­ion nev­er knew who he real­ly was,” the depart­ment said.

Lee gained noto­ri­ety after he was iden­ti­fied through DNA and what Mass­a­chu­setts SP called “his hor­ri­ble breath.” He was charged with rape and home inva­sion, and his case went to tri­al at Nor­folk Supe­ri­or Court. Jurors found him guilty after two days of delib­er­a­tions — but by this point, Lee had already fled the state, police claim.

Despite state police and Quin­cy PD detec­tives putting “hun­dreds of hours into attempt­ing to locate Lee” accord­ing to offi­cials, the case even­tu­al­ly went cold. But ear­li­er this year, cops said “new infor­ma­tion broke the case wide open” after an image of Lee sur­faced on social media and detec­tives traced him to the Dia­blo home.

Lee was trans­port­ed to Danville PD for book­ing and will be held pend­ing his ren­di­tion to Mass­a­chu­setts. “There are vio­lent offend­ers out there who believe they can com­mit crimes and not be held account­able for their actions,” said Chief Inspec­tor Sean LoPiccolo. 

“Tuen Lee was on the run for more than 16 years and the unwa­ver­ing ded­i­ca­tion by law enforce­ment to locate and arrest him hope­ful­ly brings peace of mind to the vic­tim and her family.”

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