New York City MayÂor Eric Adams is reportÂedÂly attemptÂing to remove Arva Rice, the interÂim chairÂwoman of the CivilÂian ComÂplaint Review Board (CCRB), an indeÂpenÂdent civilÂian panÂel responÂsiÂble for invesÂtiÂgatÂing comÂplaints against the New York Police DepartÂment (NYPD).
AccordÂing to sources familÂiar with the sitÂuÂaÂtion, Adamsâ close adviÂsor, Philips Banks, has asked Rice to resign from her position.
Rice has served as the head of the CCRB since FebÂruÂary 2022, when Adams appointÂed her, citÂing her expeÂriÂence and qualÂiÂfiÂcaÂtions. Since then, Rice has been vocal in advoÂcatÂing for police accountÂabilÂiÂty and transÂparenÂcy, occaÂsionÂalÂly clashÂing with the NYPD and the mayÂorâs office over the hanÂdling of misÂconÂduct cases.
The move to oust Rice raisÂes conÂcerns about the indeÂpenÂdence of the CCRB and its abilÂiÂty to proÂvide effecÂtive overÂsight of the NYPD. CritÂics argue that removÂing an outÂspoÂken chairÂperÂson could underÂmine the boardÂâs credÂiÂbilÂiÂty and hinÂder its misÂsion to hold offiÂcers accountÂable for misconduct.
As the sitÂuÂaÂtion unfolds, it remains to be seen how the CCRB and the cityâs police accountÂabilÂiÂty efforts will be affectÂed by the potenÂtial deparÂture of Arva Rice.
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