Divorce Proceedings
A North CarÂoliÂna megachurch pasÂtor, known as âPasÂtor Andyâ to his conÂgreÂgants, has been ordered to pay a stagÂgerÂing $12,000 monthÂly alimoÂny to his ex-wife after their 33-year marÂriage came to an end.
The divorce setÂtleÂment proÂvides a glimpse into the pasÂtorâs subÂstanÂtial wealth and assets.
Gilbert Andre ThompÂson Jr., the leader of the World OverÂcomÂers ChrisÂtÂian Church, filed for divorce on June 10, 2024, endÂing his union with 57-year-old DequiÂlÂla LaShawn. The couÂple had been sepÂaÂratÂed for more than a year before the filing.
Wealth and Assets
The divorce agreeÂment revealed the extent of ThompÂsonâs wealth, despite it largeÂly remainÂing unknown preÂviÂousÂly. He was ordered to pay a total of $1.3 milÂlion in alimoÂny, breakÂing down to the $12,000 monthÂly payÂments over the next nine years.
For perÂspecÂtive, figÂures like Alex Rodriguez and Kanye West, each with a net worth around $400 milÂlion, typÂiÂcalÂly pay over $100,000 per month in child supÂport. ThompÂsonâs alimoÂny payÂments sugÂgest his net worth is likeÂly in the millions.
In addiÂtion to the alimoÂny, ThompÂson was awardÂed the famÂiÂlyâs $2.8 milÂlion manÂsion in Mebane, North CarÂoliÂna, along with two othÂer propÂerÂties valÂued at $444,000 and $154,000. He will also retain ownÂerÂship of his four adult chilÂdrenâs cars, which he had purÂchased for them.
Separation and Divorce
The reaÂsons for the sudÂden split between ThompÂson and LaShawn were citÂed as âunforÂtuÂnate difÂferÂences and incomÂpatÂiÂbilÂiÂtiesâ that had arisen between the couÂple. The pair had been marÂried since June 1991.
In the years leadÂing up to the divorce, LaShawn had hintÂed at chalÂlenges in their relaÂtionÂship, but proÂfessed her conÂtinÂued love and supÂport for her husband.
HowÂevÂer, the couÂpleâs sepÂaÂraÂtion and the evenÂtuÂal divorce proÂceedÂings revealed the breakÂdown of their long-standÂing marriage.
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