Melania Trump Defends Nude Modeling as Artistic Expression

Melania Trump Defends Nude Modeling as Artistic Expression
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Melania Trump Embraces Artistry in Nude Modeling

In her lat­est pro­mo­tion­al push for her upcom­ing mem­oir, for­mer First Lady Mela­nia Trump has come out in defense of her past nude mod­el­ing work. 

The 54-year-old took to Insta­gram to dis­cuss her pre­vi­ous career, argu­ing that the human body should be cel­e­brat­ed as a form of art and self-expression.

“Why do I stand proud­ly behind my nude mod­el­ing work?” the mom of one asked in a voiceover.

“The more press­ing ques­tion is, why has the media cho­sen to scru­ti­nize my cel­e­bra­tion of the human form in a fash­ion pho­to shoot? Are we no longer able to appre­ci­ate the beau­ty of the human body?”

Embracing the Timeless Tradition of Nude Artistry

Trump’s voiceover was fea­tured along­side images of famous works of art fea­tur­ing nude fig­ures, includ­ing Michelan­gelo’s “David,” Paul CĂ©zan­ne’s “Bathers,” and John Col­lier’s “Lady Godiva.”

“Through­out his­to­ry, mas­ter artists have revered the human shape, evok­ing pro­found emo­tions and admi­ra­tion,” she argued.

“We should hon­or our bod­ies and embrace the time­less tra­di­tion of using art as a pow­er­ful means of self-expression.”

The for­mer mod­el, who was born in Slove­nia in 1970, posed nude for a French adult mag­a­zine in 1995 and again on Don­ald Trump’s pri­vate jet for British GQ in 2000. 

At the time of the GQ shoot, she had been dat­ing the real estate mogul for about two years. They mar­ried in 2005.

The pho­tos – none of which showed full-frontal nudi­ty – resur­faced in the run-up to the 2016 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, but Trump has now cho­sen to defend her artis­tic expres­sion through her lat­est book promotion.

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