Memphis Block Party Shooting: 2 Killed, 6 Injured

Memphis Block Party Shooting: 2 Killed, 6 Injured
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What went down?

A block par­ty in Mem­phis turned dead­ly on Sat­ur­day night. A gun­man opened fire at the unper­mit­ted event in Orange Mound Park, leav­ing two peo­ple dead and six oth­ers injured.

The chaos unfolded…

Hun­dreds were at the par­ty when shots rang out. Ini­tial­ly, reports flew of 16 vic­tims, but lat­er police con­firmed 8 were shot, with 2 trag­i­cal­ly dying at the scene. One per­son is fight­ing for their life, while anoth­er recov­ered and left the hospital.

Why did this happen?

The par­ty was­n’t prop­er­ly per­mit­ted, rais­ing ques­tions about safe­ty mea­sures. Now, police are hunt­ing for the shooter(s).

The after­math: Mourn­ing and action

This sense­less vio­lence leaves Mem­phis griev­ing. But the com­mu­ni­ty’s not giv­ing up. Local lead­ers and police are team­ing up to pre­vent future tragedies and keep the city safe.

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