Tragic Supermarket Shooting and Familyâs Claims of Possession
Ahmad AlisÂsa, a menÂtalÂly ill gunÂman, was senÂtenced to life in prison for the 2021 masÂsacre at a ColÂorado superÂmarÂket that left 10 peoÂple dead.
AlisÂsaâs attempt to avoid prison by pleadÂing not guilty by reaÂson of insanÂiÂty was rejectÂed by the jury, as his famÂiÂly told the court they believed he was posÂsessed by an âevil spirÂitâ at the time of the attack.
Victimsâ Families Seek Justice and Closure
The vicÂtimsâ famÂiÂlies recountÂed the devÂasÂtatÂing impact of the tragedy, with one sisÂter lamentÂing the life mileÂstones she would no longer be able to share with her slain brother.
While some were unable to forÂgive, othÂers, like the daughÂter of a slain police offiÂcer, said they would not hold onto bitÂterÂness and had forÂgivÂen Alissa.
Prosecutorsâ Argument and Juryâs Rejection of Insanity Plea
ProsÂeÂcuÂtors argued that AlisÂsa was aware of his actions, as eviÂdenced by his deciÂsion to tarÂget cerÂtain vicÂtims while ignorÂing others.
The jury rejectÂed the insanÂiÂty plea, findÂing that AlisÂsaâs menÂtal illÂness did not meet the legal criÂteÂria for insanÂiÂty, which requires an inabilÂiÂty to disÂtinÂguish right from wrong.
Sentencing and Familyâs Claims of Mental Illness
AlisÂsa, now 25, was senÂtenced to 10 conÂsecÂuÂtive life senÂtences withÂout the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of parole for the murÂders, as well as an addiÂtionÂal 1,334 years for the othÂer offenses.
His famÂiÂly had tesÂtiÂfied that he became withÂdrawn and paraÂnoid a few years before the shootÂing, with his conÂdiÂtion worsÂenÂing after he conÂtractÂed COVID-19 in late 2020.
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