Pilots Respond to Mid-Air Collision Warning
A UnitÂed AirÂlines flight from Newark to San FranÂcisÂco encounÂtered a mid-air emerÂgency when the pilots received a TrafÂfic ColÂliÂsion AvoidÂance SysÂtem (TCAS) alert. In an attempt to avoid a potenÂtial colÂliÂsion, the pilots slowed the planeâs descent, leadÂing to two pasÂsenÂgers susÂtainÂing injuries.
Injuries During the Incident
Despite the fasÂten seatÂbelt sign being illuÂmiÂnatÂed, one pasÂsenÂger was out of their seat when the pilots took evaÂsive action. As a result, two pasÂsenÂgers were injured, with one susÂtainÂing seriÂous injuries. Both were transÂportÂed to a hosÂpiÂtal for treatment.
United Airlinesâ Response
In a stateÂment, UnitÂed AirÂlines expressed gratÂiÂtude to the crew for their efforts to ensure the safeÂty of the pasÂsenÂgers and employÂees on board. The FedÂerÂal AviÂaÂtion AdminÂisÂtraÂtion has clasÂsiÂfied the inciÂdent as an acciÂdent and is invesÂtiÂgatÂing the event.
The Dangers of In-Flight Emergencies
This inciÂdent serves as a reminder of the potenÂtial risks faced by air travÂelÂers when unexÂpectÂed sitÂuÂaÂtions arise durÂing a flight. While the pilots actÂed to avoid a potenÂtial colÂliÂsion, their actions resultÂed in injuries to pasÂsenÂgers, underÂscorÂing the imporÂtance of strict safeÂty proÂtoÂcols and the need for heightÂened awareÂness from both crew and passengers.
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