Minneapolis Mass Shooting: Officer, Civilians Killed

Minneapolis Mass Shooting: Officer, Civilians Killed
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A trag­ic mass shoot­ing unfold­ed in Min­neapo­lis, Min­neso­ta on Thurs­day, May 31st, 2024, claim­ing the lives of a police offi­cer and two civil­ians. The inci­dent occurred around 5:30 pm in the city’s Whit­ti­er neigh­bor­hood when offi­cers respond­ed to calls of gun­fire erupt­ing at an apart­ment complex.

Hero­ic Offi­cer Succumbs

The fall­en offi­cer, iden­ti­fied as 28-year-old Jamal Mitchell, had served with the Min­neapo­lis Police Depart­ment for a year and a half. Described as a coura­geous and kind soul, Offi­cer Mitchell was pre­vi­ous­ly hailed for sav­ing an elder­ly cou­ple from a fire.

Mul­ti­ple Casualties

In addi­tion to Offi­cer Mitchell, two civil­ians per­ished in the shoot­ing. Anoth­er offi­cer was hos­pi­tal­ized, and sev­er­al bystanders sus­tained injuries after being met with gun­fire upon arrival. The uniden­ti­fied sus­pect was also killed.

Com­mu­ni­ty in Mourning

“This offi­cer made the ulti­mate sac­ri­fice pro­tect­ing oth­ers,” stat­ed Min­neapo­lis May­or Jacob Frey. “His brav­ery and ser­vice will for­ev­er be etched in the mem­o­ry of our city.”

The Min­neso­ta Bureau of Crim­i­nal Appre­hen­sion is lead­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion. Gov­er­nor Tim Walz pledged the state’s full sup­port and resources to assist the community.

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