Missing Brooklyn Boy Found Playing Hooky on Roof

Missing Brooklyn Boy Found Playing Hooky on Roof
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A 9‑year-old boy who was report­ed miss­ing in Brook­lyn on Thurs­day was found safe and sound play­ing hooky on the roof of his apart­ment building.

The boy was dis­cov­ered by a news heli­copter crew that was dis­patched to the scene to cov­er the devel­op­ing story.

The inci­dent unfold­ed when the boy’s par­ents real­ized he had not arrived at school as expect­ed. They imme­di­ate­ly con­tact­ed the police, who launched a search for the miss­ing child.

News Heli­copter Spots Boy on Rooftop

A CBS News heli­copter was mon­i­tor­ing the sit­u­a­tion when the crew noticed a child fit­ting the descrip­tion of the miss­ing boy on the rooftop of the apart­ment com­plex. The boy was seen sit­ting back and play­ing on an iPad, seem­ing­ly unaware of the search efforts underway.

The NYPD was alert­ed to the dis­cov­ery, and offi­cers were dis­patched to the scene. The boy was reunit­ed with his par­ents, and it was deter­mined that he had sim­ply decid­ed to skip school and enjoy some play­time on the roof.

Neigh­bor Unaware of Miss­ing Boy

A neigh­bor who had seen the boy on the rooftop ear­li­er that day was unaware that he was con­sid­ered miss­ing. The neigh­bor thought the boy had per­mis­sion to be there and did not real­ize the sit­u­a­tion was more serious.

The news heli­copter crew that dis­cov­ered the boy expressed their relief and sat­is­fac­tion at being able to reunite the child with his parents. 

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