Missing Texas Teen Geneva Hodge Found Safe After 4‑Day Search

Missing Texas Teen Geneva Hodge Found Safe After 4-Day Search
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A miss­ing teenage girl who left a con­cern­ing note on her pil­low say­ing “this is good­bye for a long time” has been found safe and reunit­ed with her fam­i­ly after a fran­tic four-day search.

Gene­va Hodge, 17, van­ished from her home in Bel­lville, Texas ear­ly on Wednes­day morn­ing. Her moth­er, Frances Schrad­er, dis­cov­ered the note hours lat­er and feared Gene­va had been kid­napped by human traf­fick­ers after she was spot­ted with an old­er man.

After an exten­sive search, Gene­va was found on Sun­day morn­ing 63 miles away in Spring, Texas. A stranger had con­tact­ed Schrad­er and she was able to pick up her daugh­ter, who was report­ed to be in good health.

“She’s doing good. She slept for a while today,” Schrad­er told DailyMail.com. “We just did a prayer at our home about 50 peo­ple showed up with ros­es. I’m so relieved I haven’t smiled since Wednes­day. Every­one said I’m glow­ing today.”

The note left by Gene­va sound­ed noth­ing like her, Schrad­er said, and the teen had fac­to­ry reset her phone, took out the SIM card, and hid it. She left with­out any per­son­al items or money.

Author­i­ties have not released details on what hap­pened to Gene­va dur­ing the four days she was miss­ing, but her safe return has brought immense relief to her wor­ried family.

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