Moment Mother of Eight Executed in Oakland After Confronting Drug Dealers

Moment Mother of Eight Executed in Oakland After Confronting Drug Dealers
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Oakland Crime Crisis Claimed Another Victim

A 33-year-old moth­er of eight was trag­i­cal­ly killed in Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia, after con­fronting alleged drug deal­ers who had report­ed­ly sold mar­i­jua­na to her children.

Confronting the Dealers

Accord­ing to the reports, Maria Ramos was vis­it­ing her moth­er, Blan­ca Velas­co, with her eight chil­dren on August 7 when known drug deal­ers approached two of her chil­dren and alleged­ly sold them mar­i­jua­na pipes. 

Ramos and Velas­co then decid­ed to fol­low the sus­pects’ blue Toy­ota sedan to tell them to stop com­ing to her house.

Sur­veil­lance footage obtained by KTVU shows the sus­pects stop at an inter­sec­tion, with one open­ing the dri­ver’s side door. Ramos and Vela­so, in a gray SUV, then stop right next to the vehicle. 

Tragedy struck when Ramos, who had strug­gled with sub­stance abuse in the past, got out of the pas­sen­ger side.

The Tragic Shooting

The teenagers inside the vehi­cle began shoot­ing at Ramos, with one pas­sen­ger get­ting out of the car and fir­ing more shots as Ramos ran away. 

Velas­co, Ramos’ moth­er, recount­ed the hor­rif­ic inci­dent, stat­ing that she thought her daugh­ter was just tak­ing cov­er until she saw her daugh­ter go down.

Velas­co then peered into the back seat of the Toy­ota, where she saw a teenage boy half lean­ing out the win­dow point­ing a gun toward her. 

In a pan­ic, Velas­co sped off with the Toy­ota trail­ing her, before even­tu­al­ly los­ing it in traffic.

She then dou­bled back to get Ramos, and at first did­n’t see her — until she noticed her daugh­ter lying on the street in a pud­dle of blood.

Aftermath and Arrests

Oak­land police arrived at the scene around 2:30 pm and found Ramos suf­fer­ing from at least one gun­shot wound. 

Despite their efforts, Ramos was pro­nounced dead at the scene. Offi­cers were able to bring three sus­pects — two minors and 19-year-old Isa­iah Gomez — into custody.

Velas­co, the vic­tim’s moth­er, is now left car­ing for her grand­chil­dren and is strug­gling to tell the youngest ones what happened.

She is also con­cerned about the city’s woke Dis­trict Attor­ney Pamela Price and her soft-on-crime poli­cies, fear­ing that her daugh­ter’s killer may not be charged as an adult.

The Ongoing Crime Crisis in Oakland

The tragedy in Oak­land is part of a broad­er crime cri­sis in the city, which has seen a mass shoot­ing at a June­teenth cel­e­bra­tion, an elder­ly woman attacked and robbed in broad day­light, and a gas sta­tion loot­ed by a group of 100 robbers. 

The city’s lead­er­ship, includ­ing May­or Sheng Thao, has been crit­i­cized for their fail­ure to address the issue effectively.

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