Mosquitoes on the Attack: Tennessee Cities Swarm the Rankings!

Mosquitoes on the Attack: Tennessee Cities Swarm the Rankings!
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Ugh, mos­qui­toes! Just as the weath­er heats up in Ten­nessee, these buzzing blood­suck­ers are back, and they’re not just annoy­ing — they’re down­right dan­ger­ous. A new study has Ten­nessee cities buzzing for all the wrong reasons!

Turns out, toasty temps mean a longer mos­qui­to sea­son, and some cities are worse than oth­ers. Mem­phis snagged the #13 spot and Nashville came in close behind at #16 on the “most mos­qui­to-infest­ed” list. Yikes!

But why? Experts say it’s all about mois­ture and humid­i­ty. Mos­qui­toes love that swampy vibe. The good news? You can fight back! Here’s how to win the war on skeeters:

  • Ditch the Dra­ma: Get rid of stand­ing water! Even a tiny pud­dle is a mos­qui­to man­sion. Emp­ty those bird­baths, clean your gut­ters, and toss any­thing that col­lects water.
  • Gear Up: Fight fire with fash­ion! Wear light-col­ored, loose-fit­ting clothes. Mos­qui­toes dig dark col­ors and can bite through thin material.
  • Spray Down: Repel­lent is your BFF! Choose a prod­uct with DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon euca­lyp­tus for max­i­mum protection.
  • Dusk and Dawn Duty? Nah!: Mos­qui­toes love these low-light times. Min­i­mize out­door adven­tures dur­ing these hours if you can.

By fol­low­ing these tips, you can take back your yard and enjoy sum­mer with­out the skeeter symphony.

Want to com­plete­ly ditch the mos­qui­to mad­ness? The study says Maine, Ida­ho, Iowa, Neva­da, and Nebras­ka have the fewest buzzing blood­suck­ers. Just sayin’!

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