Mother accused of having sex with pit bull prior to the murder of her two children

Mother accused of having sex with pit bull prior to the murdering her two children
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Shocking Allegations Against Mother

A Penn­syl­va­nia moth­er who alleged­ly had sex with a pit bull before hang­ing her two chil­dren with a dog leash appeared at her mur­der tri­al with a slimmed down new look. Lisa Sny­der, 41, is accused of killing her 8‑year-old son Con­ner and 4‑year-old daugh­ter Brin­ley in 2019.

Disturbing Internet Searches

The court was shown evi­dence of Sny­der using her phone to search for “How to hang your­self” and look up a show called “Almost Got Away With It” days before the chil­dren’s deaths. Pros­e­cu­tors also pre­sent­ed the tall wood­en kitchen chairs the kids were alleged­ly hanged from.

Alleged Suicide Claim Disputed

Sny­der has claimed her son Con­ner, who was being bul­lied at school, killed him­self and his sis­ter because he “did not want to die alone.” How­ev­er, author­i­ties say there is no evi­dence to sup­port the sui­cide claim, and an occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­pist tes­ti­fied the boy was not phys­i­cal­ly capa­ble of such an act.

Slimmed Down Appearance

Sny­der appeared much slim­mer at the tri­al com­pared to her mugshot from 2019, though she remained impas­sive as the dis­turb­ing evi­dence was pre­sent­ed. Her lawyers insist the evi­dence against her is “all conjecture.”

Shocking Allegations of Sex with Pit Bull

Sny­der was ini­tial­ly inves­ti­gat­ed over claims she had sex with her pet pit bull short­ly before the killings, though that probe was lat­er dropped as the mur­der case con­tin­ued. The accu­sa­tions have only added to the dis­turb­ing nature of the case.

Facing Potential Death Penalty

Pros­e­cu­tors are seek­ing the death penal­ty for Sny­der, who faces charges of first-degree mur­der, child endan­ger­ment and evi­dence tam­per­ing. Her defense has cit­ed a his­to­ry of severe men­tal ill­ness as a mit­i­gat­ing factor.

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