Mother Arrested at Disneyland for Trying to Sneak in Children Without Tickets

Mother Arrested at Disneyland for Trying to Sneak in Children Without Tickets
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Allegations of Ticket Evasion

An uniden­ti­fied woman was arrest­ed at Dis­ney­land’s Cal­i­for­nia Adven­ture Park after she alleged­ly tried to sneak her chil­dren into the park with­out pur­chas­ing tick­ets for them. 

Offi­cials claim the moth­er had false­ly stat­ed the chil­dren were under the age of three, which would have allowed them to enter for free.

Confrontation with Security and Police Intervention

When the woman was con­front­ed by Dis­ney­land secu­ri­ty, she report­ed­ly became unco­op­er­a­tive and refused to pro­vide identification. 

This led to the Ana­heim police being called, who then placed the moth­er under arrest for obstruc­tion of a peace officer.

Distressing Scene for the Children

Footage of the inci­dent shows the woman being escort­ed out of the park in hand­cuffs, with her young chil­dren cry­ing and cling­ing to her sides. 

The emo­tion­al scene under­scores the dis­tress caused by the wom­an’s actions and the con­se­quences her fam­i­ly now faces.

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