Mother Fatally Shot by Ex-Boyfriend at Child’s Birthday Party”

A young mother was tragically killed by her estranged ex-partner during a birthday party for their 6-year-old child in Houston, Texas.
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Tragic Shooting at Child’s Birthday Party

A 25-year-old moth­er, Jalen East­er­ling, was fatal­ly shot by her for­mer part­ner while host­ing a birth­day par­ty for their 6‑year-old child in Hous­ton, Texas.

The inci­dent occurred on Thurs­day evening, with East­er­ling and her new boyfriend throw­ing the par­ty when the child’s father arrived and an argu­ment ensued.

Eyewitness Accounts of the Shooting

Neigh­bors report­ed hear­ing the argu­ment before the gun­fire start­ed, with one res­i­dent, Feli­cia Adams, describ­ing the ter­ri­fy­ing scene.

Adams said she heard the sus­pect, who has not yet been iden­ti­fied, angri­ly shout­ing and scream­ing before the shots were fired. The neigh­bor’s own young chil­dren were left ter­ri­fied by the incident.

Police Response and Ongoing Investigation

Hous­ton Police have stat­ed that they had respond­ed to child cus­tody calls at the address pre­vi­ous­ly. The sus­pect­ed shoot­er, who fled the scene in a white Chevro­let Tahoe, remains at large, and author­i­ties are urg­ing any­one with infor­ma­tion to come forward.

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