Mystery as Texas Soldier Katia Duenas-Aguilar Found Murdered in Locked Bedroom of Off-Base Apartment

Mystery as Texas Soldier Katia Duenas-Aguilar Found Murdered in Locked Bedroom of Off-Base Apartment
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A 23-year-old female Fort Camp­bell sol­dier, Pri­vate First Class Katia Due­nas-Aguilar, was found dead in her off-base res­i­dence in Clarksville, Ten­nessee, trig­ger­ing a mur­der investigation. 

Due­nas-Aguilar was dis­cov­ered around 8:30 pm on May 18 in a locked bed­room at her apart­ment, and detec­tives believe she had been killed.

The young moth­er’s fam­i­ly is seek­ing jus­tice and answers, with her emo­tion­al moth­er Car­men Aguilar hint­ing that some­one with­in the mil­i­tary may have been respon­si­ble. Due­nas-Aguilar’s sis­ter Cecil­ia Ruiz-Aguilar stat­ed that the vic­tim was unhap­py at her post­ing at Fort Camp­bell and had expressed a desire to leave the Army.

The Clarksville Police Depart­ment has launched a homi­cide inves­ti­ga­tion, and a $55,000 reward has been offered by the fam­i­ly and the League of Unit­ed Latin Amer­i­can Cit­i­zens (LULAC) for any infor­ma­tion lead­ing to an arrest and con­vic­tion. Mil­i­tary law enforce­ment is also assist­ing in the case.

Due­nas-Aguilar joined the Army in 2018 and was assigned to the 101st Air­borne Divi­sion’s Com­bat Avi­a­tion Brigade at Fort Camp­bell. She had received sev­er­al awards and medals dur­ing her six years of ser­vice. The fam­i­ly is plead­ing for the pub­lic’s help in solv­ing the case and bring­ing the per­pe­tra­tor to justice.

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