Grisly Crime and Sentencing
A Texas man, Jared James Dicus, was senÂtenced to 40 years in prison for the bruÂtal murÂder of his 21-year-old wife, Anggy Diaz. Dicus pleadÂed guilty to the crime and waived his right to appeal as part of the plea agreement.
Disturbing Details of the Murder
On JanÂuÂary 11, 2023, Dicusâ parÂents called 911 to report that they had found Diazâs mutiÂlatÂed body in a small cotÂtage the couÂple lived in behind their home near MagÂnoÂlia, Texas. InvesÂtiÂgaÂtors disÂcovÂered that Diaz had been decapÂiÂtatÂed and had susÂtained mulÂtiÂple stab wounds to her back with a kitchen knife.
Chilling Post-Murder Behavior
SurÂveilÂlance footage showed Dicus calmÂly enterÂing the conÂveÂnience store where his wife worked, just hours after the murÂder, and stealÂing a beer from the fridge before walkÂing out. This disÂturbÂing behavÂior proÂvidÂed a glimpse into Dicusâ state of mind folÂlowÂing the crime.
Domestic Violence History
The relaÂtionÂship between Dicus and Diaz was marked by a hisÂtoÂry of domesÂtic vioÂlence, with police respondÂing to their propÂerÂty mulÂtiÂple times for reports of domesÂtic disÂturÂbances. Dicus had also been arrestÂed on a DWI charge two months before the murÂder, where he threatÂened a cop and othÂer staff at the jail.
Victimâs Background and Impact
Diaz was an immiÂgrant from Nicaragua who had been workÂing two jobs to help pay for her mothÂerâs canÂcer treatÂment back home. The judge who had marÂried the couÂple expressed his sadÂness and shock over the tragÂic event.
Sentencing and Parole Eligibility
Due to the bruÂtalÂiÂty of the crime, Dicus will not be eliÂgiÂble for parole until 2043 at the earÂliÂest. If he serves out his entire 40-year senÂtence, he will be 63 years old when he is released.
Waller County Stands Against Domestic Violence
The DisÂtrict AttorÂney of Waller CounÂty emphaÂsized that the counÂty does not tolÂerÂate domesÂtic vioÂlence and that âheinous crimes like this one will not go unanswered.â
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