NEWS: Australia
A woman with “two vaginas” uses one for work and one for personal sex.

PIC FROM Kennedy News and Media (PICTURED: EVELYN MILLER (30) WHO CLAIMS HER TWO VAGINAS HAS GENERATED A LOT OF 'INTRIGUE' AND SHE'S RECENTLY GAINED 1,700 NEW ONLYFANS FOLLOWERS) A former escort with TWO vaginas, cervixes and uteruses claims her rare abnormality allowed her to separate her sex work from her personal life. Evelyn Miller discovered she had uterus didelphys aged 20 and she uses two tampons due to having two simultaneous periods, as well as two smear and sexual health tests. The 30-year-old was an escort for eight years and claims having two reproductive sets was 'handy' not only for endurance purposes but also for enabling a separation between her work and private relationships. DISCLAIMER: While Kennedy News and Media uses its best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied and the publication of images is solely at your discretion. SEE KENNEDY NEWS COPY - 0161 697 4266
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Bring­ing a whole new mean­ing to not mix­ing busi­ness with plea­sure, this Only­Fans star shared what it’s like to have two vagi­nas where she uses one pro­fes­sion­al­ly and the oth­er for per­son­al sex.

Adult con­tent cre­ator Eve­lyn Miller did­n’t find out until she was 20 that she was born with two vagi­nas and two wombs.

The 31-year-old from Queens­land, Aus­tralia, start­ed work­ing in the sex indus­try after a rela­tion­ship broke down and has made sure to keep one vagi­na for her job and one for her per­son­al life – which seems pret­ty effective .

She explained:

“I worked as an inde­pen­dent escort for about sev­en years, trav­el­ing around the world.

“I was able to use a vagi­na for labor and a vagi­na for my per­son­al life, which made labor much eas­i­er emo­tion­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly for me.”

After she stopped doing that, she switched to Only­Fans and start­ed cre­at­ing adult con­tent which earns her $75,000 (£54,829) a month.

Eve­lyn attrib­ut­es her suc­cess to hav­ing two vagi­nas, but says there are a lot of down­falls she has to think about because she has them.

They include: putting two tam­pons in when she’s on her peri­od, hav­ing both vagi­nas test­ed for STDs when she vis­its the gyne­col­o­gist — and even where her part­ner can ejac­u­late while they’re hav­ing sex.

Talk­ing about ejac­u­la­tion, she claimed:

“The­o­ret­i­cal­ly, I could car­ry two babies at once if I want­ed to — but it would be hard on my body, so we had to be care­ful in that sense.

“Sex in every vagi­na is very, very dif­fer­ent. I pre­fer one side, but it depends on the posi­tion and shape of the man I choose to have sex in.

“Hav­ing two vagi­nas has made my sex life a lot of fun – we can have sex on one side and use a toy on the oth­er, and there are all kinds of posi­tions and things I can try.

“They both feel very dif­fer­ent to me, so I found out what I like and dis­like about each side.”

“I don’t wish I had just one vagi­na. Hav­ing two has made my sex life more fun, and I think it’s impor­tant to embrace all bod­ies — we can all be so different.

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