NEWS: Crimean bridge
Russia says 3 dead in explosion

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Three peo­ple have been killed in a mas­sive explo­sion on a Russ­ian bridge lead­ing to Crimea, the penin­su­la of Ukraine that was annexed in 2014, inves­ti­ga­tors said.

Russ­ian inves­ti­ga­tors said the vic­tim was in a near­by car when the truck explod­ed and part of the bridge’s road­way collapsed.

Rus­sia says the rail sec­tion of the bridge (where the oil truck caught fire) will be reopened this afternoon.

The lev­el cross­ing, which opened in 2018, was a sym­bol of Rus­si­a’s ille­gal annexation.

Mikhail Podryak, an advis­er to Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­sky, did not direct­ly claim Ukraine’s respon­si­bil­i­ty, but wrote: “Crimea, bridge, beginning.”

“Every­thing ille­gal must be destroyed, every­thing stolen must be returned to Ukraine, every­thing occu­pied by Rus­sia must be expelled.”

Ukraine’s Defense Min­istry has com­pared the bridge explo­sion to the sink­ing of the Russ­ian mis­sile cruis­er Mosk­va in April.

“Two infa­mous sym­bols of Russ­ian pow­er in Ukraine and Crimea have sunk,” he tweet­ed. What is the “next move”?

Mean­while, the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment sim­ply mut­tered, “Burn the disease.”

Rus­si­a’s For­eign Min­istry said, “The reac­tion of the (Kyiv) regime to the destruc­tion of civil­ian infra­struc­ture speaks to its ter­ror­ist character.”

The sig­nif­i­cance and sym­bol­ism of the bridge inau­gu­rat­ed by Pres­i­dent Putin being engulfed in flames can­not be overstated.

Rus­sia uses the bridge to move arma­ments, ammu­ni­tion and per­son­nel from Rus­sia to bat­tle­fields in south­ern Ukraine.

Ukrain­ian author­i­ties have there­fore vowed to retake the penin­su­la, cit­ing it as a legit­i­mate goal.

An attack on Crimea, which is heav­i­ly pop­u­lat­ed by Russ­ian troops, is seen as anoth­er major humil­i­a­tion for the Kremlin.

This bridge is espe­cial­ly dis­liked by Ukraini­ans. The day after Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin’s 70th birth­day, Ukrain­ian social media cel­e­brat­ed the spec­ta­cle of the fire.

Crimean region­al author­i­ties said they would orga­nize a fer­ry ser­vice link­ing main­land Rus­sia with the peninsula.

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