NEWS: Denmark
A man covers 95% of his body with extreme tattoos.

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Tris­tan Weigelt, 25, spent $54,031 to cov­er 95% of his body in tat­toos and now looks like a total­ly dif­fer­ent per­son just five years later.

The tat­too appren­tice endured 260 painful hours under the nee­dle and only his palms, pri­vate parts, bot­tom of his feet and ears are free of ink.

“It’s kind of weird see­ing me with­out all the tat­toos,” he told the Dai­ly Star.

“But odd­ly enough, I still feel exact­ly the same as before inside.”

Amer­i­can-born Tris­tan now lives in Copen­hagen and has become some­thing of a celebri­ty with a huge fol­low­ing on Instagram.

“A lot of peo­ple watch and are quite fas­ci­nat­ed. My friends now say it’s almost like walk­ing around with a celebrity.

He said hurt­ing his face and head hurt the most, com­par­ing it to being scratched with a met­al brush.

“It was six full day ses­sions tak­ing between five and six hours and the pain was prob­a­bly an eight out of 10. It’s like being scratched with a wire brush.”

Tris­tan revealed that his tat­toos had no hid­den mean­ing but were inspired by Japan­ese designs.

“Any­one who is con­sid­er­ing get­ting a tat­too, get the tat­too you love,” he said.

“Get what you love and what makes sense to you. I see so many peo­ple wor­ry­ing that a cer­tain tat­too will suit them or it won’t be their style. If you like it, then take it.

Tris­tan post­ed a before and after pho­to on his Insta­gram show­ing him unrec­og­niz­able after his tattoos.

“No one would have told me my tat­toos would suit me if I had asked some­one five years ago,” he said.

“But now no one can imag­ine me with­out them.”

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