NEWS: France
Igor, the Bogdanoff twin, died “from COVID-19” a few days after his brother Grichka.

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French tele­vi­sion star Igor Bog­danoff has died at the age of 72.

The death of the TV per­son­al­i­ty came just six days after that of her iden­ti­cal twin broth­er Grich­ka, who died on Decem­ber 28.

Accord­ing to reports, the two men died after catch­ing Covid-19. How­ev­er, this has not been con­firmed by their families.

A state­ment from Igor’s agent was shared with French media, say­ing: “In peace and love, sur­round­ed by his chil­dren and fam­i­ly, Igor Bog­danoff left for the light on Mon­day, Jan­u­ary 3, 2022. ”

He is sur­vived by his ex-wife, the writer Amélie de Bour­bon-Parme, and their six children.

The Bog­danoff broth­ers rose to fame in the 1980s by orga­niz­ing a series of sci­ence and sci­ence fic­tion tele­vi­sion series. Between 1979 and 1989, they host­ed Temps X (Time X), the pro­gram respon­si­ble for pre­sent­ing series such as The Twi­light Zone, Star Trek and Doc­tor Who to the French public.

In recent years, the duo’s aca­d­e­m­ic work in the field of physics has been called into ques­tion. In 2002, anoth­er physi­cist accused the broth­ers of post­ing “par­o­dies” made up of mean­ing­less jargon.

The broth­ers have always denied that their strik­ing facial fea­tures were due to plas­tic surgery, insist­ing that their joint appear­ance was natural.

Accord­ing to infor­ma­tion pub­lished in the French news­pa­per Le Monde, the two broth­ers were not both vaccinated.

“Grich­ka, like Igor, was not an anti­vax. He was anti­vax for him­self, “Luc Fer­ry, pro­fes­sor of phi­los­o­phy and for­mer Min­is­ter of Edu­ca­tion and friend of the two broth­ers, told Le Monde, accord­ing to the New York Post.

“Being very ath­let­ic, with­out a gram of fat, they thought the vac­cine was more dan­ger­ous. They nev­er got sick.

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