NEWS: Germany
A man spent 17,000 $ to be as less human as possible.

A man who wants to make him­self look “as inhu­man as pos­si­ble” has spent $ 17,000 so far for his unique look.

He also inked his eye­balls and face, while cov­er­ing his two rows of tita­ni­um teeth.

The 28-year-old also opt­ed to sur­gi­cal­ly remove pieces of his ear car­ti­lage, while hav­ing his pierced and stretched nos­trils and ear­lobes pierced.

The Ger­man artist said: “Body mod­i­fi­ca­tion has fas­ci­nat­ed me for many years. I can do my indi­vid­ual thing, not the same as what oth­er peo­ple do.

“I can cre­ate and change my body how­ev­er I want. I am not a trend like many others.

“Over the years, I’ve devel­oped my own trend, which no one else wears. I go to dif­fer­ent body mod artists around the world, and I also do some pro­ce­dures on myself.”

Black Depres­sion began their jour­ney at the age of 20, going for a tongue sep­a­ra­tion procedure.

“My first inter­ven­tion was to split my tongue.

“Then half of my atri­um [vis­i­ble part of the out­er ear] was ampu­tat­ed on both sides.”

How­ev­er, Black Depres­sion is not entire­ly hap­py with her altered look and plans to do even more extreme body mod­i­fi­ca­tions in the future.

“So hot and cool! One user wrote on a recent Insta­gram post.

A sec­ond added: “You are beautiful.”

A third com­ment­ed: “Nice.

Oth­ers sim­ply used emo­jis such as fire or heart with eyes to express their feelings.

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