NEWS: Hans Niemann ‘probably cheated’ in over 100 matches, investigation reveals

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A chess play­er at the cen­ter of the cheat­ing con­tro­ver­sy cheat­ed in more than 100 online games, an inves­ti­ga­tion found.

Hans Nie­mann has been accused by world cham­pi­on Mag­nus Carlsen of cheat­ing, although no evi­dence has been presented.

An inves­ti­ga­tion by now sug­gests that Nie­mann may have cheat­ed “much more often” than he admits.

How­ev­er, no evi­dence of cheat­ing in the game with Carl­son or “on the board” has been found.

When Amer­i­cans were young, they admit­ted cheat­ing in casu­al games, but denied cheat­ing in com­pet­i­tive games.

The 19-year-old, who has been con­tact­ed by the BBC for com­ment, has pre­vi­ous­ly accused Carlsen and of try­ing to ruin his career.

Injus­tice feud sweep­ing the chess world
World’s top chess play­er accus­es rival of cheating

The scan­dal began last month when Carlsen, wide­ly regard­ed as the great­est sho­gi play­er of all time, lost to Neiman at the Sink­field Cup.

The Nor­we­gian, who had veiled his wrong­do­ings against Nie­mann at the time, pub­licly accused him last week. now pro­duces a 72-page study of Neiman’s games on the site where most of the world’s top play­ers com­pete for prize money.

The site, which banned Neiman for alleged cheat­ing, said it’s like­ly that Neiman cheat­ed on prize-win­ning events and in-game “famous” char­ac­ters after 2020.

His analy­sis com­pared Nie­man­n’s moves to moves sug­gest­ed by the chess com­put­er that were much stronger than the top play­ers, and the prob­a­bil­i­ties of his outcomes.

“Over­all, Hans was found to have pos­si­bly cheat­ed in over 100 online chess games, includ­ing sev­er­al prize-win­ning events,” it was reported.

“He’s already 17 and has prob­a­bly cheat­ed in some of these games and match­es, 25 of which he also streamed.”

The report said Nie­mann only cheat­ed on casu­al games on the site when he was 12 and 16, but nev­er cheat­ed on com­pet­i­tive games or stream­ing on gam­ing plat­forms such as Twitch. This is incon­sis­tent with what has been said so far.

But while his per­for­mance is “sta­tis­ti­cal­ly insane,” said there was “no direct evi­dence” that Neiman cheat­ed in his vic­to­ry over Carlsen or any oth­er past over-the-board game. Says.

Last week, Carlsen sug­gest­ed Nie­mann cheat­ed in a Sink­field Cup match in Mis­souri, USA, beat­ing him with black pieces “in a way only a few play­ers can”. “I was­n’t ner­vous or focused,” he said.

He also became sus­pi­cious of Nie­mann because of its “abnor­mal” progress in recent years. Oth­ers say that Nie­man­n’s growth, though rapid, is on par with oth­er top junior players. said “cer­tain aspects”, such as Nie­man­n’s post-game com­men­tary, were “sus­pi­cious.”

The site also notes the “abnor­mal” rate of improve­ment that Nie­mann has made in the world’s top 50 clas­sic chess rank­ings from about 800 in less than two years. said the rise was the fastest in “record­ed mod­ern his­to­ry” and occurred “much slow­er than its peers.”

The site also denies hav­ing been pres­sured to remove Nie­mann from Carlsen, who has dom­i­nat­ed chess for more than a decade.

Carlsen has insist­ed he will not face Nie­mann, and ear­li­er this month when he faced him again in an online tour­na­ment, he sim­ply resigned in protest.

When the con­tro­ver­sy erupt­ed ear­li­er this month, Nie­mann vehe­ment­ly denied that he was will­ing to play naked to prove he did­n’t hide elec­tron­ic devices that could be used to cheat.

I know he’s “clean” so I don’t care. If you’re ask­ing me to play in a closed box with zero elec­tron­ic trans­mis­sion, it’s not. I’m here to win and that’s my goal no mat­ter what. ”

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