NEWS: Israel
Five dead in latest Tel-Aviv attack.

Five peo­ple have been shot dead by a Pales­tin­ian shoot­er in a exurb of the Israeli megac­i­ty of Tel Aviv, in the third dead­ly attack of its kind in a week.
in Bnei Brak, one of the coun­try’s most crowd­edul­tra-Ortho­dox Jew­ish areas.

The marks­man was shot dead by police, a para­medic at the scene said.

Israel secu­ri­ty forces were on high alert after attacks by Israeli Arabs last Tues­day and Sun­day, which left six peo­ple dead.

Footage from the scene in Bnei Brak showed the assaulter dressed in black fir­ing at peo­ple with a rifle on a road and killing the motorist of a fleet­ing automobile.

Police said an offi­cer who shot the shoot­er was among the dead.

The assaulter has been linked as a 26- year-old Pales­tin­ian from a vill near Jenin, in the north of the enthralled West Bank, who had pre­lim­i­nar­i­ly been jugged in Israel.

Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Naf­tali Ben­nett held an exi­gency secu­ri­ty meet­ing and his secu­ri­ty press will con­vene on Wednesday.

“Israel is fac­ing a wave of mur­der­ous Arab terrorism,“he said.“The secu­ri­ty forces are oper­at­ing. We’ll fight ter­ror with per­se­ver­ance, stub­born­ness and an iron fist.”

For­mer prime min­is­ter and going oppo­si­tion leader Ben­jamin Netanyahu told that Israel was“in the mid­dle of a unsafe wave of ter­ror­ism that we haven’t seen for mul­ti­ple years. res­olute act must be held to restore peace and secu­ri­ty to the cit­i­zens of Israel”.

US Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken con­demned the attack.

“This vio­lence is inferior,“he said.“Israelis-like all peo­ple around the world-should be suit­able to live in peace and with­out fear.”

Pales­tin­ian Pres­i­dent Mah­moud Abbas con­demned the killings of the Israelis and advised that the attack might lead to esca­la­tion at a time when“we are seek­ing for stability”.

Still, the Pales­tin­ian mil­i­tant group Hamas, which gov­erns the Gaza Strip, praised the attack, saying“We express our bless­ing to the Tel Aviv operation.”

Secu­ri­ty had for­mer­ly been stepped up across Israel and in the West Bank in the wake of the two for­mer attacks.

The first was car­ried out by an Israeli Arab who had planned to join the Islam­ic State (IS) group in Syr­ia and had served a jail judg­ment for secu­ri­ty crimes. The attack­er ran his auto into a cyclist, killing him, also stabbed three peo­ple to death out­side a shop­ping cen­tre in the south­ern megac­i­ty of Beersheba.

Five days lat­ter­ly, two oth­er Israeli Arabs opened fire at a bus stop in the north­ern megac­i­ty of Hadera, killing two 19- year-old police offi­cers. IS said it was behind that attack. All three attack­ers were shot dead.

There had been fears of far­ther inci­dents in the month before, when the Mus­lim fes­ti­val of Ramadan, the Jew­ish fes­ti­val of Passover and the Chris­t­ian fes­ti­val of East­er con­cur in a rare meeting.

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