At least eight peoÂple have died in an exploÂsion at YanÂgonâs infaÂmous Insein prison.
Two parÂcel bombs explodÂed at the prison entrance on WednesÂday mornÂing, killing three prison staff and five visÂiÂtors, locals told BBC Burma.
Insein Prison is the counÂtryâs largest prison and holds about 10,000 inmates, includÂing politÂiÂcal prisoners.
No group has yet claimed responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for the attack. AuthorÂiÂties conÂfirmed that 18 othÂers were injured.
AuthorÂiÂties said the bomb explodÂed in the prisÂonâs mailÂroom. LatÂer, anothÂer bomb (which did not detÂoÂnate) was found wrapped in a plasÂtic bag.
AuthorÂiÂties conÂfirmed that the five dead visÂiÂtors were women and relÂaÂtives of the prisoners.
Among them was the mothÂer of stuÂdent leader Lynn Het Naing, betÂter known as James, who was arrestÂed by MyanÂmar milÂiÂtary authorÂiÂties last June. She had been to the prison to delivÂer a box of rice the week of her sonâs trial.
Lin Htet Naingâs father-in-law Nay Win said he was allowed to see the body at the morgue.
âI feel very sad. Itâs been a long time since her husÂband passed away, but she was the only one who always disÂtribÂuted her food and necesÂsiÂties for her son.â
Lin Htet Naing, 35, has been detained sevÂerÂal times since becomÂing a promiÂnent stuÂdent leader more than a decade ago. His arrest in June was for opposÂing a milÂiÂtary coup last year that overÂthrew the civilÂian govÂernÂment of the electÂed Aung San Suu Kyi.
Phyyo Phyo Aung, wife of Lin Htet Naing and mothÂer of two, has been on the run since takÂing part in the post-coup protests.
Insein Prison is a large, heavÂiÂly guardÂed comÂplex on the outÂskirts of the forÂmer capital.
The 100-year-old prison is notoÂriÂous for its harsh conÂdiÂtions and inhuÂmane treatÂment of prisÂonÂers, accordÂing to rights groups.
HowÂevÂer, most of the counÂtry is occuÂpied by a guerÂrilÂla front known as the PeoÂpleâs Defense Force, and the regime faces severe resistance.
YanÂgon has seen freÂquent bombÂings, mostÂly small ones, since the army crushed mass protests against last yearâs coup.
They typÂiÂcalÂly tarÂget those seen as milÂiÂtary colÂlabÂoÂraÂtors, includÂing govÂernÂment offiÂcials, susÂpectÂed inforÂmants and, more recentÂly, Air Force pilots impliÂcatÂed in airstrikes on vilÂlages resistÂing the milÂiÂtary regime.
There have also been assasÂsiÂnaÂtion attempts, shootÂings, and beheadÂings in rurÂal areas that have been blamed on both sides as attiÂtudes harden.
The scale of the fightÂing and deadÂly fightÂing since the beginÂning of this year is said to have takÂen on the appearÂance of a civÂil war.
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