NEWS: Nigeria
A 13-year-old boy stabs a man to death for refusing to pay for his sugar cane.

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Bor­no Police have revealed they have arrest­ed a 13-year-old boy iden­ti­fied as Abdul­lahi Sanusi for the alleged mur­der of a 19-year-old man for refus­ing to pay for sug­ar cane.

Police fur­ther revealed that on Wednes­day the vic­tim ‘forcibly’ took the sus­pec­t’s sug­ar cane with­out pay­ment, and when the for­mer asked for mon­ey he began beat­ing him.

Accord­ing to police, the sus­pect used the knife he used to cut sug­ar cane to stab the neck of the vic­tim, iden­ti­fied as Mohammed Abdullahi.

In a press brief­ing on Fri­day, Abdul Umar, Bor­no Police Com­mis­sion­er, said the vic­tim died at Maid­uguri Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal (UMTH).

“On the same day (01/19/2022) at around 5:00 p.m., a 13-year-old Abdul­lahi Sanusi ‘m’ at the same address used a sharp knife he used to cut sug­ar cane and stabbed a cer­tain Mohammed Abdul­lahi ‘m ’19 on his neck in Mallawan in the Gidan Dambe region,” the com­mis­sion­er said.

“As a result, the vic­tim was seri­ous­ly injured. He was rushed to UMTH for treat­ment, but died lat­er on the same date.

“The sus­pect alleged that the deceased took his can­dy cane force­ful­ly and refused to pay and when the sus­pect demand­ed his mon­ey, the deceased began beat­ing him which caused the sus­pect to stab the vic­tim with a knife.”

In anoth­er devel­op­ment, Umar also con­firmed the arrest of Ahmad Umar Goni, an SS2 stu­dent at Elken­e­my Col­lege of Islam­ic The­ol­o­gy, for alleged­ly using a razor blade to slit the neck of Jubril Sadi Mato, a JSS1 stu­dent at the school.

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