NEWS: Salman Rushdie has lost sight in one eye, his agent Andrew Wiley said

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Writer Salman Rushdie was stabbed in New York in August and lost sight in one eye and fin­gers in one hand, his agent said.

“He has about 15 more scars on his chest,” New York-based agent Andrew Wiley told Span­ish dai­ly El Pais. “It was a bru­tal attack”

Mr Wiley said he could not reveal the nov­el­ist’s where­abouts. Hap­pen­ing at an event in New York State.

Rushdie has been tar­get­ed for years over his 1988 nov­el, Satan­ic Verse.

Some Mus­lims con­sid­er the book to be blas­phe­my. The man accused of the attack, 24-year-old Hadi Matar, has plead­ed not guilty to attempt­ed murder.

“He lost the sight in one of his eyes,” Wiley said in an inter­view with El Pais news­pa­per. “There were three seri­ous injuries to his neck. A nerve in his arm had been sev­ered, leav­ing him with one hand.”

“I can’t say any­thing about his where­abouts,” Wiley said when asked if the author was still in the hos­pi­tal. For him to live
that’s the most impor­tant thing.

On August 12th, an attack took place at the Chateauqua Insti­tute in New York. Mr. Rushdie was about to give a speech about how Amer­i­ca has served as a haven for writers.

A nov­el­ist who was forced to go into hid­ing for near­ly 10 years after the pub­li­ca­tion of The Dev­il’s Poet­ry. Many Mus­lims were furi­ous with him for por­tray­ing the Prophet Muham­mad as an insult to their faith.

Rushdie was threat­ened, and then-Iran­ian leader Aya­tol­lah Khome­i­ni issued a fat­wa (order) call­ing for Rushdie’s assas­si­na­tion and put a $3 mil­lion boun­ty on his head.

The fat­wa is still in force, and Iran’s semi-offi­cial reli­gious foun­da­tion added a $500,000 reward in 2012, even though the Iran­ian gov­ern­ment has dis­tanced itself from Khome­ini’s orders.

Wiley told El Pais that he has spo­ken to Rushdie about these threats over the years. “Many years after the Fat­wa was issued, the great­est dan­ger he faced was ran­dom killings that came out of nowhere.

“I can’t guard against it because it’s com­plete­ly unex­pect­ed and illog­i­cal. It was like the assas­si­na­tion of John Lennon.”

Rushdie was born in India in 1947. He attend­ed board­ing school in Eng­land and went on to study at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge. In 2007, he was knight­ed for his con­tri­bu­tions to literature.

The attack has been wide­ly con­demned as an attack on free­dom of expression.

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