Writer Salman Rushdie was stabbed in New York in August and lost sight in one eye and finÂgers in one hand, his agent said.
âHe has about 15 more scars on his chest,â New York-based agent Andrew Wiley told SpanÂish daiÂly El Pais. âIt was a bruÂtal attackâ
Mr Wiley said he could not reveal the novÂelÂistâs whereÂabouts. HapÂpenÂing at an event in New York State.
Rushdie has been tarÂgetÂed for years over his 1988 novÂel, SatanÂic Verse.
Some MusÂlims conÂsidÂer the book to be blasÂpheÂmy. The man accused of the attack, 24-year-old Hadi Matar, has pleadÂed not guilty to attemptÂed murder.
âHe lost the sight in one of his eyes,â Wiley said in an interÂview with El Pais newsÂpaÂper. âThere were three seriÂous injuries to his neck. A nerve in his arm had been sevÂered, leavÂing him with one hand.â
âI canât say anyÂthing about his whereÂabouts,â Wiley said when asked if the author was still in the hosÂpiÂtal. For him to liveâŠthatâs the most imporÂtant thing.
On August 12th, an attack took place at the Chateauqua InstiÂtute in New York. Mr. Rushdie was about to give a speech about how AmerÂiÂca has served as a haven for writers.
A novÂelÂist who was forced to go into hidÂing for nearÂly 10 years after the pubÂliÂcaÂtion of The DevÂilâs PoetÂry. Many MusÂlims were furiÂous with him for porÂtrayÂing the Prophet MuhamÂmad as an insult to their faith.
Rushdie was threatÂened, and then-IranÂian leader AyaÂtolÂlah KhomeÂiÂni issued a fatÂwa (order) callÂing for Rushdieâs assasÂsiÂnaÂtion and put a $3 milÂlion bounÂty on his head.
The fatÂwa is still in force, and Iranâs semi-offiÂcial reliÂgious founÂdaÂtion added a $500,000 reward in 2012, even though the IranÂian govÂernÂment has disÂtanced itself from KhomeÂiniâs orders.
Wiley told El Pais that he has spoÂken to Rushdie about these threats over the years. âMany years after the FatÂwa was issued, the greatÂest danÂger he faced was ranÂdom killings that came out of nowhere.
âI canât guard against it because itâs comÂpleteÂly unexÂpectÂed and illogÂiÂcal. It was like the assasÂsiÂnaÂtion of John Lennon.â
Rushdie was born in India in 1947. He attendÂed boardÂing school in EngÂland and went on to study at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of CamÂbridge. In 2007, he was knightÂed for his conÂtriÂbuÂtions to literature.
The attack has been wideÂly conÂdemned as an attack on freeÂdom of expression.
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