An Amazon delivery man was found dead after being attacked by a dog

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The Ray Coun­ty sher­iff said a sher­if­f’s deputy shot dead two aggres­sive dogs in Mis­souri after an Ama­zon deliv­ery man was found dead Mon­day in what was believed to be an ani­mal attack. .

A sher­if­f’s deputy was called around 7 p.m. when a neigh­bor called an Ama­zon van parked for sev­er­al hours at a home in Excel­sior Springs, a town of about 10,000, accord­ing to Sher­iff Ray Childers. It says.

A dead man and two very aggres­sive dogs were found in the yard. A sher­if­f’s deputy shot the ani­mal dead.

The man’s iden­ti­ty was not imme­di­ate­ly released.

A coro­ner will deter­mine the cause of death, but Childers said the vic­tim’s wounds were con­sis­tent with an ani­mal attack.

The sher­iff said his fam­i­ly was noti­fied Mon­day night.

The own­er of the home is out and appears to be out of town, Childers said.

Ama­zon spokes­woman Lisa Lewandows­ki expressed her regret on behalf of the company.

Lewandows­ki said she was “deeply sad­dened by the trag­ic inci­dent tonight involv­ing a mem­ber of the Ama­zon fam­i­ly and will con­tin­ue to sup­port the team and the dri­vers’ loved ones.” rice field. “We are coop­er­at­ing with the police investigation.”

The dogs were a Ger­man Shep­herd and an Eng­lish Mas­tiff, NBC affil­i­ate KSHB Kansas City reported.

Excel­sior Springs is locat­ed about 40 kilo­me­ters north­east of Kansas City, Missouri.

A U.S. postal work­er was killed by five dogs in Flori­da in August. Pamela Jane Locke, 61, died on August 21 in Put­nam Coun­ty, south of Jacksonville.

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