At least six peoÂple were injured in a shootÂing at a St. Louis high school MonÂday mornÂing, accordÂing to the KSDK.
The news staÂtion reportÂed that the six include a susÂpect who was detained inside the CenÂtral VisuÂal and PerÂformÂing Arts High School.
AccordÂing to the KSDK, they sufÂfered injuries rangÂing from gunÂshot wounds to shrapÂnel wounds to carÂdiac arrest.
St Louis PubÂlic Schools iniÂtialÂly tweetÂed that two stuÂdents were injured in the high school shootÂing and takÂen to hospital.
StuÂdents were evacÂuÂatÂed and parÂents were escortÂed to GateÂway STEM High School to reunite with their children.
The St. Louis MetÂroÂpolÂiÂtan Police DepartÂment is askÂing peoÂple to stay away from the area while they are investigating.
âAt this time, the scene is safe and there are no active threats,â police tweeted.
St. Louis MayÂor TishauÂra O. Jones spoke out about the shootÂing as news of the inciÂdent spread.
He mutÂtered, âHelp us Jesus.â
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