At least six people injured in a shooting at a St. Louis high school, officials say

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At least six peo­ple were injured in a shoot­ing at a St. Louis high school Mon­day morn­ing, accord­ing to the KSDK.

The news sta­tion report­ed that the six include a sus­pect who was detained inside the Cen­tral Visu­al and Per­form­ing Arts High School.

Accord­ing to the KSDK, they suf­fered injuries rang­ing from gun­shot wounds to shrap­nel wounds to car­diac arrest.

St Louis Pub­lic Schools ini­tial­ly tweet­ed that two stu­dents were injured in the high school shoot­ing and tak­en to hospital.

Stu­dents were evac­u­at­ed and par­ents were escort­ed to Gate­way STEM High School to reunite with their children.

The St. Louis Met­ro­pol­i­tan Police Depart­ment is ask­ing peo­ple to stay away from the area while they are investigating.

“At this time, the scene is safe and there are no active threats,” police tweeted.

St. Louis May­or Tishau­ra O. Jones spoke out about the shoot­ing as news of the inci­dent spread.

He mut­tered, “Help us Jesus.”

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