The nationÂal homiÂcide rate, which surged 29.4% last year on the wrath of the panÂdemÂic, is set to flatÂten out in 2021, accordÂing to a new FBI report on crime staÂtisÂtics that could make a big politÂiÂcal splash as the midterm elecÂtions approach. became.
OverÂall, the FBI estiÂmatÂed vioÂlent crimes fell 1% nationÂwide, from 1,326,600 in 2020 to 1,313,200 in 2021, accordÂing to a report released Wednesday.
FBI offiÂcials have expressed conÂfiÂdence in the overÂall accuÂraÂcy of the estiÂmates, but there are imporÂtant caveats to the numbers.
Crime data for 2021 is more guessÂwork than before, as the FBI has changed how it colÂlects crime data and many major police disÂtricts, such as New York and Los AngeÂles, have yet to participate.
HomiÂcides are estiÂmatÂed to have increased by 4.3% and robÂberies to have decreased by 8.9%, but FBI offiÂcials cauÂtioned against readÂing too much into the flucÂtuÂaÂtions. Crime rates were about the same.
âIt is imporÂtant to note that these estiÂmatÂed trends are not conÂsidÂered staÂtisÂtiÂcalÂly sigÂnifÂiÂcant,â the FBI said in a press release.
âThe insignifÂiÂcance of the observed trends is the reaÂson for the mesÂsage that crime remained conÂstant overÂall despite these described changes.â
This sugÂgests that the surge in homiÂcides durÂing the panÂdemÂic has flatÂtened out, but the homiÂcide rate is still much highÂer than before the pandemic.
OthÂer studÂies have also found an increase in propÂerÂty crimes over the past year, along with highÂer inflation.
The data came out the same day a Politico/Morning ConÂsult poll found that more than three-quarÂters of votÂers said vioÂlent crime was a major probÂlem in the UnitÂed States.
But an NBC News poll in SepÂtemÂber showed that crime was votÂersâ top conÂcern, rankÂing sevÂenth, ahead of issues relatÂed to the econÂoÂmy, immiÂgraÂtion and abortion.
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