NearÂly 30 detainees in DC jails charged with charges relatÂed to JanÂuÂary 6, 2021 CapiÂtol bombÂings asked to be transÂferred to GuanÂtanamo Bay DetenÂtion CenÂter if conÂdiÂtions do not improve doing.
In a sevÂen-page yelÂlow legal docÂuÂment recentÂly filed in fedÂerÂal court, the 34 defenÂdants described the capÂiÂtalâs prison as a âmedieval stanÂdard of livÂingâ and a âhell-like hell bent on torÂmentÂing trauÂmaÂtized guests.â
sitÂuÂaÂtion,â he said. âI donât want to be trapped in a tragÂic frame of cruÂel and unusuÂal punÂishÂment,â he demandÂed a soluÂtion to the problem.
The letÂter, which spans two pages, lists a numÂber of conÂcerns and frusÂtraÂtions about their expeÂriÂence. For examÂple, âbeggar/water/medical aidâ is said to âkeep enduring.â
They say they are not allowed visÂits, access to reliÂgious serÂvices, or access to lawyers. Dirty clothes were reportÂed to return with âbrown stains, pubic hair, or the smell of ripe urine.â
The group said it found magÂgots in the food and did not proÂvide a caloÂrie count for the food. Due to malÂnuÂtriÂtion, her hair and eyeÂsight are deteriorating.â
DefenÂdant says he has seen rats and cockÂroachÂes in the cell block, reeds in the water, and black mold on the walls, floors and vents.
There have been seriÂous comÂplaints over the years about the inhuÂmane livÂing conÂdiÂtions at WashÂingÂton Prison. For examÂple, in NovemÂber 2021, the U.S.
MarÂshals SerÂvice transÂferred 400 inmates from D.C. prisÂons to PennÂsylÂvaÂnia prisÂons because of their conÂdiÂtions and treatÂment, accordÂing to the ACLU.
The Jan. 6 detainee also wrote in his comÂplaint that he was shown âproÂpaÂganÂdaâ of critÂiÂcal race theÂoÂries on a tablet device, along with âre-eduÂcaÂtion proÂpaÂganÂdaâ and âracialÂly biased information.â
They claim they were physÂiÂcalÂly harassed, gassed and beatÂen by secuÂriÂty guards.
âWe ask that we spend our preÂcious few days here. If the govÂernÂment conÂtinÂues to insist that we be held as unconÂstiÂtuÂtionÂal prisÂonÂers of war and transÂferred to GuanÂtanamo Bay to live there,â they said.
The letÂter states that the facilÂiÂty, which housÂes detainees accused of acts of terÂrorÂism, proÂvides ânutriÂtious food, regÂuÂlar sun expoÂsure, first-class medÂical care, respect for reliÂgious requireÂments, physÂiÂcal activity.ă»
AmuseÂment facilÂiÂtiesâ are provided.
The DisÂtrict of ColumbiÂaâs DepartÂment of CorÂrecÂtions has no comment.
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