North Carolina Cheerleader Killed in Tragic Camping Accident

North Carolina Cheerleader Killed in Tragic Camping Accident
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The Tus­co­la High School com­mu­ni­ty in Way­nesville, North Car­oli­na is in mourn­ing after the sud­den loss of senior and cheer­leader, Kara Bryson. Just days before grad­u­a­tion, Kara was trag­i­cal­ly killed when a pow­er­ful storm top­pled a tree onto the camper she was stay­ing in over Memo­r­i­al Day weekend.

Storm Wreaks Hav­oc, Tak­ing Young Life

The inci­dent occurred at the Pen­land Point camp­ground near Lake Chatuge. Accord­ing to Clay Coun­ty Emer­gency Ser­vices, strong winds reach­ing up to 70 mph caused a large tree to uproot and crush the camper where Kara and four friends were stay­ing. Emer­gency per­son­nel respond­ed swift­ly, but unfor­tu­nate­ly, were unable to save Kara.

Aspir­ing Nurse Remem­bered by Friends and Family

Eigh­teen-year-old Kara was not only a cher­ished mem­ber of the Tus­co­la High cheer­lead­ing squad, but also an aspir­ing nurse who had recent­ly achieved her Cer­ti­fied Nurs­ing Assis­tant (CNA) pin. She was known for her kind heart and pas­sion for car­ing for oth­ers, hav­ing vol­un­teered at a local nurs­ing home.

Cheer Team and Com­mu­ni­ty Grieve

Kara’s cheer­lead­ing team­mates described her as a “beau­ti­ful soul” who will be deeply missed. Her close friend, Cal­lie Park­er, shared plans to dec­o­rate an emp­ty chair at grad­u­a­tion in Kara’s hon­or. The entire Tus­co­la High School and Way­nesville com­mu­ni­ty are griev­ing this dev­as­tat­ing loss.

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