In a spine-chillÂing case, a PennÂsylÂvaÂnia nurse has been senÂtenced to hunÂdreds of years in prison for killing at least 17 patients under her care.
Heather PressÂdee, 41, received three conÂsecÂuÂtive life senÂtences and an addiÂtionÂal 380 to 760 years for attemptÂed murÂder after pleadÂing guilty to her horÂriÂfyÂing crimes.
The nurseâs reign of terÂror lastÂed from 2020 to 2023, durÂing which she adminÂisÂtered lethal or potenÂtialÂly lethal dosÂes of insulin to patients, often durÂing night shifts when staffing was low. Her vicÂtims ranged in age from 43 to 105, and their famÂiÂlies have been left devÂasÂtatÂed by the loss of their loved ones.
Heather PressÂdee pleadÂed guilty to three counts of murÂder and 19 counts of attemptÂed murÂder. CredÂit: PennÂsylÂvaÂnia Office of AttorÂney General
DurÂing a hearÂing in FebÂruÂary, PressÂdee made a chillÂing stateÂment when asked why she wantÂed to plead guilty, admitÂting: âBecause I am guilty.â The nurse latÂer apolÂoÂgised for her actions, statÂing, âIâm very sorÂry. Iâm sorÂry for what Iâve done.â
NearÂly 40 famÂiÂly memÂbers of PressÂdeeâs vicÂtims attendÂed the senÂtencÂing at the ButÂler CounÂty courÂtÂhouse, with many sharÂing emoÂtionÂal stateÂments about the impact of her crimes on their lives. ElizÂaÂbeth Simons OzelÂla, whose mothÂer, Irene Simons, was one of PressÂdeeâs vicÂtims, declared that she would ânevÂer forÂgive [her] for what she did.â
MelinÂda Brown, whose brothÂer Nicholas CymÂbol also died from an insulin overÂdose adminÂisÂtered by PressÂdee, described the nurse as âpure evil.â AnothÂer famÂiÂly memÂber statÂed, âShe is not sick. She is not insane. She is evil perÂsonÂiÂfied. I looked into the face of Satan myself the mornÂing she killed my father.â
PressÂdeeâs plea deal allowed her to avoid a triÂal and the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of exeÂcuÂtion by lethal injecÂtion. Her senÂtencÂing serves as a reminder of the imporÂtance of holdÂing medÂical proÂfesÂsionÂals accountÂable for their actions, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly when they abuse their powÂer and betray the trust placed in them by patients and their families.
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