NYPD Offers $10K Reward for Suspect Who Molested 13-Year-Old Girl in Queens Park

NYPD Offers $10K Reward for Suspect Who Molested 13-Year-Old Girl in Queens Park
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The New York Police Depart­ment (NYPD) is offer­ing a $10,000 reward for infor­ma­tion lead­ing to the cap­ture of the “ani­mal” who sex­u­al­ly assault­ed a 13-year-old girl in broad day­light at a Queens park.

Author­i­ties have deployed an “all hands on” response, with over 60 inves­ti­ga­tors scour­ing the area for clues and work­ing close­ly with the local com­mu­ni­ty to appre­hend the suspect.

The hor­rif­ic inci­dent occurred on Thurs­day after­noon at Kisse­na Park, where the sus­pect approached the young vic­tim and her 13-year-old male friend, forc­ing them into a seclud­ed wood­ed area at knifepoint.

The sus­pect tied the vic­tims’ hands with shoelaces and molest­ed the girl before steal­ing their phones and flee­ing the scene.

NYPD Chief of Depart­ment Jef­frey Mad­drey described the attack as a “par­en­t’s worst night­mare,” vow­ing that the depart­ment will spare no expense in bring­ing the per­pe­tra­tor to jus­tice. The sus­pect is described as a light-skinned man in his 20s with a heavy His­pan­ic accent, braces, and a dis­tinc­tive tat­too on his chest.

This shock­ing crime has sparked out­rage with­in the local com­mu­ni­ty, with offi­cials promis­ing a height­ened police pres­ence in the park and an exten­sive inves­ti­ga­tion to track down the “ani­mal” responsible. 

The NYPD is urg­ing any­one with infor­ma­tion about the inci­dent to come for­ward and con­tact the Crime Stop­pers Hotline.

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