The New York Police DepartÂment (NYPD) is offerÂing a $10,000 reward for inforÂmaÂtion leadÂing to the capÂture of the âaniÂmalâ who sexÂuÂalÂly assaultÂed a 13-year-old girl in broad dayÂlight at a Queens park.
AuthorÂiÂties have deployed an âall hands onâ response, with over 60 invesÂtiÂgaÂtors scourÂing the area for clues and workÂing closeÂly with the local comÂmuÂniÂty to appreÂhend the suspect.
The horÂrifÂic inciÂdent occurred on ThursÂday afterÂnoon at KisseÂna Park, where the susÂpect approached the young vicÂtim and her 13-year-old male friend, forcÂing them into a secludÂed woodÂed area at knifepoint.
The susÂpect tied the vicÂtimsâ hands with shoelaces and molestÂed the girl before stealÂing their phones and fleeÂing the scene.
NYPD Chief of DepartÂment JefÂfrey MadÂdrey described the attack as a âparÂenÂtâs worst nightÂmare,â vowÂing that the departÂment will spare no expense in bringÂing the perÂpeÂtraÂtor to jusÂtice. The susÂpect is described as a light-skinned man in his 20s with a heavy HisÂpanÂic accent, braces, and a disÂtincÂtive tatÂtoo on his chest.
This shockÂing crime has sparked outÂrage withÂin the local comÂmuÂniÂty, with offiÂcials promisÂing a heightÂened police presÂence in the park and an extenÂsive invesÂtiÂgaÂtion to track down the âaniÂmalâ responsible.
The NYPD is urgÂing anyÂone with inforÂmaÂtion about the inciÂdent to come forÂward and conÂtact the Crime StopÂpers Hotline.
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