Off-Duty Cop Arrested for Shocking Act at Kenny Chesney Concert

Off-Duty Cop Arrested for Shocking Act at Kenny Chesney Concert
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The Incident at Gillette Stadium

An off-duty police offi­cer from Rhode Island, Shane Lynch, was arrest­ed for uri­nat­ing on a female fan dur­ing a Ken­ny Ches­ney con­cert at Gillette Sta­di­um in Massachusetts.

Details of the Arrest

The vic­tim, who had pur­chased new boots specif­i­cal­ly for the con­cert, felt some­thing wet on her leg and looked down to see Lynch uri­nat­ing on her shoes. When con­front­ed, Lynch appeared to be heav­i­ly intox­i­cat­ed and was arrest­ed by the Foxbor­ough Police Department.

Charges and Consequences

Lynch was charged with dis­or­der­ly con­duct and destruc­tion of prop­er­ty. He agreed to pay $100 in court costs to have the case dis­missed. Addi­tion­al­ly, sta­di­um secu­ri­ty issued a tres­pass order against him.

Police Department Response

The Cranston Police Depart­ment, where Lynch is employed, stat­ed they were aware of the arrest and had launched an admin­is­tra­tive inves­ti­ga­tion. Chief Michael Win­quist empha­sized that offi­cers are held to a high­er stan­dard both on and off duty.

Kenny Chesney’s Tour

The inci­dent occurred dur­ing Ken­ny Ches­ney’s 2024 Sun Goes Down Tour. The coun­try music leg­end expressed grat­i­tude to fans on social media fol­low­ing the con­cert series at Gillette Sta­di­um, unaware of the unfor­tu­nate event that had tak­en place.

This inci­dent serves as a reminder of the impor­tance of respon­si­ble behav­ior at pub­lic events, even for off-duty law enforce­ment officers.

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