Oklahoma Students Nearly Lose Lives After Suspected Drugging at Cancun Resort

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Chill­ing Moment Captured

A ter­ri­fy­ing pho­to­graph cap­tures the moment two Okla­homa col­lege stu­dents, Zara Hull and Kaylie Pitze, were poten­tial­ly drugged at a swim-up bar in Can­cun, Mex­i­co. The trip, which was meant to be a dream vaca­tion, turned into a night­mare on August 2.

Suspected Drugging Incident

Accord­ing to the reports, Hull, her boyfriend Jake Snider, and Pitze were with a group of friends when they both expe­ri­enced sud­den and severe reac­tions after tak­ing a sip of water at the swim-up bar. Hull described expe­ri­enc­ing con­vul­sions and pass­ing out, becom­ing “basi­cal­ly paralyzed.”

Harrowing Hospital Ordeal

Snider rushed Hull to the hos­pi­tal, where the staff report­ed­ly demand­ed thou­sands of dol­lars for her treatment.

The hos­pi­tal report­ed­ly intu­bat­ed Hull and sedat­ed her, even though there was no clear med­ical rea­son for doing so.

The fam­i­lies of the stu­dents believe that Hull may have been drugged, pos­si­bly with syn­thet­ic fentanyl.

Desperate Escape and Recovery

After a day of the stu­dents being held cap­tive by the hos­pi­tal’s demands for exor­bi­tant fees, the group was able to secure a pri­vate plane to fly them back to the Unit­ed States.

Hull remains in the hos­pi­tal, under­go­ing treat­ment and phys­i­cal ther­a­py to regain her abil­i­ty to walk. 

The fam­i­lies have set up GoFundMe pages to help cov­er the stu­dents’ med­ical expenses.

Ongoing Investigation and Caution

The col­lege stu­dents have declined to reveal the names of their hotel or the hos­pi­tal, fear­ing for their safety. 

The inci­dent serves as a chill­ing reminder of the impor­tance of being vig­i­lant and cau­tious when trav­el­ing, espe­cial­ly in unfa­mil­iar environments.

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