Parkland HS Teacher Slapped by Student in Viral Clip Charges Pressed!

Parkland HS Teacher Slapped by Student in Viral Clip Charges Pressed
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#schoolvi­o­lence #teacheras­sault #park­land­high

A Park­land High School stu­dent went viral for all the wrong rea­sons after a shock­ing video showed them slap­ping a teacher. The inci­dent, caught on cam­era and splashed all over social media, hap­pened on Mon­day and land­ed the stu­dent in hot water.

The clip shows the stu­dent unleash­ing a curse-filled tirade before whack­ing the teacher. The teacher stayed calm at first, but things got messy when the stu­dent kept yelling insults. Some class­mates laughed, while oth­ers were clear­ly freaked.

The Forsyth Coun­ty Sher­if­f’s Office was­n’t hav­ing any of it. They hit the stu­dent with two counts of assault (mis­de­meanor) and a charge for threat­en­ing the teacher. The school dis­trict also slammed the stu­den­t’s behav­ior, say­ing vio­lence against teach­ers is a big NOPE.

Inves­ti­ga­tors are still look­ing into what hap­pened, but the whole thing has the com­mu­ni­ty fired up about keep­ing schools safe for stu­dents AND teachers. â€

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