Passenger Jumps From World’s Largest Cruise Ship, Royal Caribbean’s Icon of the Seas, During Maiden Voyage

Passenger Jumps From World's Largest Cruise Ship, Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas, During Maiden Voyage
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A trag­ic inci­dent unfold­ed on the maid­en voy­age of Roy­al Caribbean’s Icon of the Seas, the world’s largest cruise ship. On Sun­day, a pas­sen­ger jumped from the ves­sel short­ly after it depart­ed Flori­da for a week-long Caribbean cruise. Despite res­cue efforts, the uniden­ti­fied man passed away.

Imme­di­ate Action and Search Efforts

The Coast Guard reports that the Icon of the Seas crew swift­ly deployed a res­cue boat and locat­ed the pas­sen­ger in crit­i­cal con­di­tion. He was brought back onboard, but unfor­tu­nate­ly suc­cumbed to his injuries. The ship, car­ry­ing over 7,600 pas­sen­gers and crew, was rough­ly 300 miles from Mia­mi when the inci­dent occurred. The search and res­cue oper­a­tion caused a two-hour delay.

Shock and Social Media Footage

Pas­sen­gers on the ship doc­u­ment­ed the res­cue mis­sion, express­ing dis­be­lief at the ini­tial recov­ery of the jumper. These videos, along with footage of res­cue boats deploy­ing, have cir­cu­lat­ed on social media.

Shad­ow Over Maid­en Voyage

This heart­break­ing event casts a pall over the high­ly antic­i­pat­ed debut of the Icon of the Seas. This 20-deck behe­moth boasts a water park, mul­ti­ple pools, an ice rink, and over 40 din­ing options, all spread across its mas­sive frame.

Tar­get­ing Search Engines

This opti­mized arti­cle aims to reach a wider audi­ence through rel­e­vant key­words and improved struc­ture. Users search­ing for news on the Icon of the Seas, cruise ship inci­dents, or Roy­al Caribbean will find this con­tent more easily.

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