Steven Kyle CugÂiÂni, a York City Police DepartÂment offiÂcer, has been arrestÂed and charged with the rape and physÂiÂcal abuse of a 13-month-old child in PennÂsylÂvaÂnia. The horÂriÂfyÂing alleÂgaÂtions came to light after state police received a report of severe bruisÂing on the young victim.
FolÂlowÂing an invesÂtiÂgaÂtion by the PennÂsylÂvaÂnia State Police, Lykens StaÂtion, and Lykens CrimÂiÂnal InvesÂtiÂgaÂtion Unit, CugÂiÂni was arrestÂed on April 16. The invesÂtiÂgaÂtion revealed that the child had sufÂfered broÂken bones, severe bruisÂing, and was a vicÂtim of sexÂuÂal violence.
CugÂiÂni, 28, allegedÂly comÂmitÂted the abuse between April 11 and April 15 in ElizÂaÂbethville, Dauphin CounÂty, and SpringettsÂbury TownÂship, York CounÂty. AuthorÂiÂties were alertÂed when the child was brought to Penn State HerÂshey MedÂical CenÂter for treatment.
In response to the alleÂgaÂtions, York City Police ComÂmisÂsionÂer Michael Muldrow conÂfirmed that CugÂiÂni has been susÂpendÂed withÂout pay while the state police invesÂtiÂgaÂtion conÂtinÂues. The shockÂing case has left the comÂmuÂniÂty in disÂbeÂlief and outÂrage, as authorÂiÂties work to ensure jusÂtice for the young victim.
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